Raafi in Revelation
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"Some people do stuff in squirrel suits, glide and spin and swoop around."


"That sounds like fun, yes."


"I never tried it because they tend to want you to have straight up skydiving experience."


"Well, if it's for a good cause I'll give it a try," he grins.


"Almond cake?" she inquires.


"Oh, fancy, thank you."


"It's storebought, I never got the hang of baking because you can't taste it as you go." She slices him some.


"Even so. -I suppose it isn't so hard to get almonds here; they're uncommon, at home."


"Huh. I don't think that's even one of the things they usually have demons make."


"I wonder what you're doing differently, maybe I can help some farmers out back home."


"I think they take a lot of water? The beekeeping end of things didn't really leave me with a good understanding of that."


"That's all right. At least I know to look, now."


"Sell a huge sack of almonds back home, buy more magic items, make a million bucks."


"Yep. It's going to be interesting times for the traders once we're letting people come and go."


"What are you gonna do with your magic item money?"


"I'm supporting the new website, for now; Pelor doesn't like charging people for the things his church does, and they're not established enough to get donations here. In the long run I'm sure I'll find other projects - I like having enough money to throw some at interesting things I find people doing. Makes the whole world richer."


"Ooh, what've you thrown money at before?"


"I'll help the smaller churches out sometimes - not Pelor's, usually, he's got enough churches that the bigger ones can help the smaller ones, but the littler gods that are struggling to get their message out, if they need something I'll help them. I've helped get roads made, a couple of times - a good wizard can set up a mountain pass in a few days, if you can get them there safe and pay for the spells, and it's not worth it for any one trader to do it but it's good for it to get done. Bridges, too. What else - oh, I helped fund someone who was researching rare lizardfolk subpecies to write a book about them, once, that turned out pretty well. And the time I bribed an enclave of - the translation magic is really struggling with this one, fighting monks? - to try allowing visitors. And there's more mundane things all the time, some town needs funds to hire an adventurer to solve some problem or what have you."


"Oh, you want crowdfunding, for the roads and bridges, where everybody pledges and doesn't owe the money till the pledges add up. Martial artists?"


"More philosophical, but that's close too," he nods. "How does crowdfunding work?"


"There are apps for it. My father used to use Critical Mass to fund art installations, and it's still kicking but I think it's not the most popular one any more."


"It's going to take a while for enough people from my world to have phones for something like that to work - we don't even have electricity yet, more or less. It'll be good once we do, though."


"Oh, yes, that's pretty bad, no electricity is sometimes interesting for a week of camping but not to live the rest of your life."


"We're used to doing without, but I imagine it will catch on pretty quickly in some places. I suppose it might depend on how hard it is to get."


"I'd think you'd just need one person who wants to fuck a demon, eh?"

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