Raafi in Revelation
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"Lucky for me, I guess. It's really clever how it figures out what I'm trying to do and tells me how, so often. Things at home are simpler in a lot of ways but not nearly so easy."


"Like what, laundry by hand?"


"Unless you have magic for it," he nods, "I get to cheat. Metal coins, and some places expect different ones than others, and we barter instead of having the prices right there. Our cities have restaurants scattered all over, the same as yours, but if I want a room for the night I start by asking where the traders' district is, there usually isn't a map at all. And it's fine to just sleep in the woods, nobody will be upset with you for it - that got me into some trouble, my first night here, I had no idea it was different."


"There's some woods you can camp in, I usedta take my kids."


"I'm sure if I really want to I can figure it out, but I had no idea how to do anything, so I just picked someplace out of a book of pictures - their guard fairy found me a few hours later, he was so worried I'd get eaten by a bear. Of course nobody knew that I could teleport yet."


"Will that help, if you're asleep?"


"I'm a light enough sleeper that it's not really a problem, I don't have to be standing or anything."


"Ha, if you're lying down do you land lying down?"


"Mmhmm. I can do sitting to standing but that took practice."


"The world's least efficient kip-up."


"Yup. It's good enough at what I need it for, at least."


"Escaping bears? And getting jambalaya."


"The jambalaya's very good. And being able to get pictures of places so easily is great. At home I mostly use it for getting out of scrapes, it opens a lot of places up to me if I don't have to worry about how I'll get out again if something goes wrong."


"You could hang glide or ski and not have to climb back up the mountain."


"I hadn't heard of hang gliding yet, that's a wonderful idea."


"Oh, it's great, I got out of the habit when I got pregnant the first time but I used to go all the time and lose at airtime contests."


"What's it like? I don't have a Fly spell handy for you to compare but I've heard that flying on your own wings is different, and it sounds like hang gliding might be more like that."


"I don't have wings and never have. You don't hear about daeva taking it up so it's probably less fun, though."


"I guess I'll just have to go find out for myself, then."


"You'd probably like the crazy places that start you in the sky with a fairy watching instead of running down a hill."


"Mmhmm. I can do that myself - I have a couple kinds of teleportation, if I'm not going too far I don't have to have seen where I'm going."


"Oh, fun. You could skydive too. Without a chute."


"That might be a little much even for me."


"Huh, I wouldn't have guessed, how come?"


"Mm, too - uncontrolled? I might try it once anyway but I don't think I'd like it, I prefer things with at least a little skill to them."

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