Raafi in Revelation
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"What are appropriate gnome preparations?"


"They're small," he gestures to just above knee-height, "and can't use human furniture comfortably. Culturally, some people find them abrasive - they have no taboo against asking questions whenever they're curious, even if it's an interruption or complete change of topic, and they tend to be tricksters, and loudly opinionated. They're also inventors - I'd expect a gnome wizard to apply that to spell development more than tinkering, but they'll still be interested in learning how all your technology works. In general you'll probably want to find them guides, not as a gnome thing but just because they'll be coming from such a different background."


"Is it... rude to not answer the questions, or anything? Will they be offended if we have furniture intended for little kids on hand for them?"


"I can bring some furniture from our world, if you need it; I'm more worried about things like cooking appliances. Questions - you can tell them that something is personal or secret, that's fine, and they don't ask those kinds of question very often to start with. Saying that you don't know something will frustrate them, but they'll be used to it from other species. Saying that it's a bad time to explain it is rude, and saying that it's too hard to explain is rude and insulting. You can tell them who they should ask instead or what book they should read, though, that works, just be prepared for them to want to go do it right then."


"Good to know. Can't promise perfect compliance but I can screen for guides who'll be, uh, culturally sensitive."


"I'll try to find forgiving ones. I think they'll put up with it to get to see a new world, anyway. Is there anything else I should be looking for in them, if I can?"


"Well, the Martian ones'll need to deal with the gravity and arcology life."


"What's arcology life like?"


"The atmosphere of Mars these days has been conditioned enough that you won't die of exposure right away, but we're still very no-nonsense about threats to the integrity of the domes, and air quality. No smoking, no fireplaces, unless you're in a dome with a round the clock angel team and big park section. We ban a lot of pets with too high a risk of trying to establish a feral population in most arcologies. Strict noise ordinances. No slugthrower weapons. That kind of thing."


"I'll need to be very clear with them about what kinds of spells they can cast, then, and what kinds of alchemy setups they can have, if any of them do that. Did the FAQ mention wizards' familiars?"


"The sparky lizard?"


"The shocker lizard is a familiar, yes. Lots of wizards have them; they're not normal animals and no wizard will agree to be separated from their familiar in the long term. I'm not sure if they can reproduce but they can be communicated with about it."


"One sparky lizard isn't going to start a feral population. If there are two wizards with compatible sparky lizards we'll have to talk."


"I think we'll have to talk, if you're going to want more than a few wizards in one place. There are less than a dozen common types of familiars - I'd guess close to half of all wizards have either a hawk, raven, cat, or rat."


"Cats and rats in particular are both banned in their nonmagical forms. This'll also run you into trouble in Alberta, Earthside. Luna and most stations too."


"I'll ask about it," he nods. "And maybe the druids can come up with something if it's a problem."


"Is it not done to neuter a familiar?"


"-no. Uh, a familiar is a manifestation of their wizard, not a separate creature."


"Well, I'm glad I asked you and not a wizard, I suppose..."

"I need to go," Ramona says, "I think you're doing fine without me."


"Yes. We should be able to figure something out, anyway. Druids have lots of tricks."

Pelor takes Ramona back to Earth.


Ramona thanks him and gets back to work.

"Aren't they the nature ones? There isn't nature on Mars," says President Melo.


"They are. They grow medicines and things, and those travel just fine."

Pelor returns.


"Welcome back. Are you generally conscious of your welcome when you bop around like that?"


"I am," he nods.

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