Raafi in Revelation
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"Let me look it up... okay, the most permissive station citizenship-wise is Hope Miller Sphere. They are still as long as they want their federated status obliged to keep birthright citizenship records - if a Stations citizen has a kid the kid is one too. They have to comply with emergency taxation, though Hope Miller Sphere doesn't do non-emergency taxes. System treaties about disease response, unlicensed summoning, WMDs, educational minima... okay, that might bite somebody, you have to teach your kids a few super basic things but that might be awkward with someone from Oerth. I don't know how much if any magic counts as a WMD. Uh, and no rape or murder or battery but they don't prosecute simple assault, theft... wow, I know where to go if I ever... okay, yeah, I think that's everything relevant."


"Is there a way to stop being their citizen later?"


"Yep, you can renounce them at will. You do have to tell them but you can do it by demon mail. Federated Stations won't actually protect a citizen from foreign police for crimes they don't prosecute themselves, by the by, only on the Sphere itself is theft effectively legal."


"I wouldn't suggest anyone I thought would steal, anyway. Or anyone with children or plans for them. We will need to figure out which magic counts as weapons - wizards in particular can have a fair bit of destructive capacity, depending on how they specialize."


"They probably won't be ruled that way till they're murdering people by the dozens. Good thing it turns out we have an afterlife, eh?"


"I think we can avoid having it come up, anyway. It's just a problem if I bring someone here and then we have to send them home."




"Is there any news about the insurance?"


"Yours, or Pelor's church's?"


"Mine - I assumed it would make the most sense to handle that all together, I hope that won't be a problem."


"You could talk to the insurance company about that."


"All right. Are Pelor's clerics set up?"


"Yes, it turned out they were willing to ensure them as a collective, and you'd said you didn't want emails for the church, so..."


"No, no, that's fine, I haven't checked mine since I've been back anyway. But if they are I can have them take over some of my more urgent clients until I have it taken care of myself."


"They're squared away, yeah."


"All right. Am I coming with you to meet with the president of Mars this afternoon?"


"Uh, it's a private meeting, right?"


"It was originally supposed to be with me, and we added Pelor when he got here - if you mean yourself, I'd expect an advisor to be allowed but you obviously know more about how things are done here than I do."


"No, I meant, you're not going on camera, you're not giving quotes - not centrally PR - I'm trying to finish the - how long is the meeting?"


"Oh. You know more than I do about how ready Pelor is for something like this, we might be able to handle it ourselves - here." He gets out his phone and finds the relevant message.


"I can come for the first half. You know it's very confusing to what extent you do and don't want to be included in Pelor-related activities."


"I don't think I can distil it down to specific principles, unfortunately. Part of it is that I want to see this succeed in general - I think it will be best for everyone if you're more prepared to have visitors from our world before they get here. Part of it is that I lean blue and that's important to me, and helping blue projects is part of that. Part of it is that things like facilitating communication between people from different cultures and getting photographs of faraway places are part of my calling - it would be normal for them to call on a cleric of Fharlanghn for that in our world. I'm mostly hanging back because I don't want to be permanently involved - I can't and won't stay in one place too long, which limits me less here than at home, I suppose, but I'm still not very comfortable with taking on the kinds of responsibilities that would usually tie me down - and because I'm not actually one of Pelor's clerics and don't answer to him - our churches are friendlier than the ones here seem to be, but not that friendly."


"Hm. Well, I can be there for the first half and maybe you can abort the meeting if it looks like it'll go off the rails after that but the Martian President's not exactly - I mean, he doesn't have a reputation as a vicious interviewer."


He nods. "I appreciate it. Is there anything else going on that I should know about?"


"You've been nominated for the 2179 Palmkernel Award. It's a photography award. Not, surprisingly, for the, uh, criminal evidence photo, they liked the lightning lizard one."

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