"Okay. Blue, purple - law and chaos maybe there's a heraldry term, they are much less important to get noncommital here, but you cannot cannot cannot go anywhere with a microphone and let slip that somebody who thinks somebody deserves to suffer for molesting her kid or something is 'evil', even if you get everything else right and people could let car-keying judgmentalness slide," says Skip. "You get in trouble there from a few angles, one is the thoughtcrime thing, not supposed to judge people for their thoughts and feelings if they don't act out about 'em. One is that all our moral philosophers and religious scholars and fiction authors who like moral dilemmas and ordinary people trying to develop their consciences are already using those words and you can't just say you have a spell that goes ding and settles the argument in this unsatisfying way."
"Unreasonable search," Dave says.
"Oh, yeah, checking people might be illegal here," agrees Skip. "It'd go to court, it's not open and shut, but it sure might be. Another's the religious discrimination angle - you go around condemning folks for believing in theological Hell and you're pretty directly taking up an antagonistic stance against a religion, see?"