Raafi in Revelation
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"Well, we can't use 'desert', it's too easy to mix up," says Jenny.

"The field of philosophy has failed us," says Skip. "Come on, people."

"You got anything synaesthetic? Are they colors, maybe?" asks Doug.


"Good and evil are associated with white and black or very light blue and very dark purple, and law and chaos are sometimes represented as flat fields or simple patterns and complicated messy patterns."


"Okay. Blue, purple - law and chaos maybe there's a heraldry term, they are much less important to get noncommital here, but you cannot cannot cannot go anywhere with a microphone and let slip that somebody who thinks somebody deserves to suffer for molesting her kid or something is 'evil', even if you get everything else right and people could let car-keying judgmentalness slide," says Skip. "You get in trouble there from a few angles, one is the thoughtcrime thing, not supposed to judge people for their thoughts and feelings if they don't act out about 'em. One is that all our moral philosophers and religious scholars and fiction authors who like moral dilemmas and ordinary people trying to develop their consciences are already using those words and you can't just say you have a spell that goes ding and settles the argument in this unsatisfying way."

"Unreasonable search," Dave says.

"Oh, yeah, checking people might be illegal here," agrees Skip. "It'd go to court, it's not open and shut, but it sure might be. Another's the religious discrimination angle - you go around condemning folks for believing in theological Hell and you're pretty directly taking up an antagonistic stance against a religion, see?"


"Sir, does that - paladins-"

    "They're allowed to use their judgement."

"Good enough, I guess. This is going to be hard but it's a touchy subject at home, too, we're already used to being judicious about it. It is probably going to cause some problems with interacting with your defense groups here, Pelor's military arm tends to have special obligations about it in terms of who they associate with."


"You can search consenting people," says Dave. "If I were you I'd screen volunteers for that and half a dozen other things and then pick people, whenever you can, so it doesn't come down solely to whether they're blue enough."


"We can do that," Raafi nods. "It's not the only context it'll come up in but it's the most important one. - I'm not going to make an issue of it, I don't think it was unreasonable," he tells the other clerics.

    "Thank you."


"What wasn't unreasonable?" asks Skip.


"The paladin," he nods at the halfling, "checked me earlier. I'm really not upset about it and I'm sure it won't happen again."


"I don't think it'd get anywhere if Raafi did bring charges since he isn't a citizen, unless he made a stop at Federated first," says Dave. "This is mostly something you have to worry about with citizens. Though making a habit of it in general might be unpopular."


"I'm not entirely sure that's a distinction he's allowed to make, anyway."

    "Grey area."

"And paladins stay out of those, as a rule, it won't happen again. If we're calling them blue and purple we should have a word for neutral, too, and there isn't an obvious one, does anyone have an idea?"


"Indigo," say Ramona and Doug at the same time.


"Sounds good. What else should go in the FAQ?"


"Well, 'what are blue, indigo, and purple', and 'what are law, neutrality, and chaos'," says Ramona. "And then you can have a little spiel about how Oerth moral philosophy is mostly pretty pro-blue and even if Revelation purple philosophy is largely harmless the blue Oerth gods are the ones who are likely to be helpful to us here. Hm. I'm worried if you get too into the weeds on all your positions on every other thing under the sun you wind up with a really long FAQ - to be avoided all else equal. All else isn't equal, it will get long, but I think you should shape most of it based on what questions you actually get."


"Would it make sense to structure some of this differently, to make more room?"


"Yeah, eventually you probably want a whole reference base, but an FAQ is quicker and you should have something soon," says Ramona. "We can get your website people working on that as soon as you have an acceptable first pass up. But letting people speculate on every platform in the system isn't helping you here."


"All right. What do we actually need today?"


"Answers to all those questions, content for all those aforementioned sections," says Skip, "to send to the website people. Some pictures likewise - got a photographer in-house if any of you fine people want to pose. Name for the site, email address for the site. And of course a payment plan. Website people don't do free consults."


"I'll cover it. And I know how to take pictures - I could use a lift to Oerth for that, sir."

    "Of course." The second Pelor shows back up to retrieve the scribes.


Skip pulls up their payment schedule on the wall. It's pretty steep.


"You're definitely going to need to prioritize figuring the money thing out. I don't mind helping but we're not going to be able to run this through me for very long."


"Not our central area of expertise, unfortunately," says Skip.


"Is it possible to confirm that we definitely can sell spells here? Or work here in general?"


"Non-citizens in full generality are allowed to seek gainful employment in North America except in government positions where there are some restrictions," says Dave. "Long as you pay taxes on it. ...you will also need to pay taxes on what you made before, come April. You probably want an accountant."


"All right, that will make things easier. We'll be fine for a while, then."


"This only applies in North America, not sure what the rules are other places," says Skip, "but you can make folks come to you."

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