Raafi in Revelation
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Most of the crew disperses; Skip and Ramona stay behind and Ramona helps him set up Riverbank while Skip contacts website people on his phone.


He's not bad with the phone for someone who'd never heard of one a week ago.

"I'm not sure if I should be trying to explain paladins or definitely not that - I'm biased, I don't like them much, but they're nearly as well regarded as Pelor himself by most people, and it's the most strongly morally-aligned vocation, even more so than clerics."


"Very blue?" asks Ramona.


He nods. "Extremely. A single purple-motivated act loses them their vocation, immediately. And all lawful - that's a little more flexible but if they stray as far as neutrality on that axis they lose it, too. They are justice, in most peoples' minds - suggesting that justice is purple is about on a level with suggesting that cannibalism is reasonable behavior, even without one in the room to hear it."


"The system that punishes criminals is called 'the justice system'," Ramona says. "...also I think cannibalism is legal on Luna with a consenting donor."


"Ah, it's associated with purple species in our world, I'd be surprised to find it happening consensually anywhere there. And - there are blue and indigo and purple ways of handling criminals, and the translation does seem to think that justice is associated with - fairness and even-handedness and doing it right, making sure the consequence is enough to balance things without over-punishing? I'm going to be at a disadvantage explaining it, I lean chaotic, but it seems like the right word compared to other criminal punishment related ones."


"When I read about extreme prison reform types, the ones that sound blue to me based on the description, they don't want to punish anybody at all ever."


"I'd have to read about it - it might just be because you don't have a blue-purple distinction, culturally, I could see it being hard to stop purple from creeping into your criminal handling system without being able to think about it directly, and if your blue people are seeing that and assuming that's the only way for it to be, they'd definitely want to put a stop to the whole thing. We have some of that problem even with it; that's a big part of what paladins are for, is situations where it's difficult but important to handle things without any risk of purpleness in the people doing it."


"Huh. You need a Manifesto account to read the blog I think of as the best one for the topic."


"Sure, that sounds interesting."


She navigates his phone to a Manifesto blog that displays 'you must be a Manifesto user to see this protected blog'.


He pokes at the process of making an account; Pelor returns with half a dozen people in what are presumably librarians' robes while he's doing that.


The librarians have a bit of a wait yet for the website people, who will be by after lunch, but all the Oerthians can help themselves to a catering order like what the PR people are having if they like.


They'll do that. A few of them come over to Raafi with questions about websites toward the end of it, and he shows them a couple of the travel sites he likes so far; they're gathered around looking at his phone when the website people arrive.


The website people can get underway on editing and formatting content produced by the Oerthians with Ramona and Skip supervising to make sure it's all good PR.


The librarians have to send one of their number to go get books every so often, but other than that it goes smoothly. Raafi begs off after a few hours, when it's clear that they've got things under control, citing a long day and the time difference; he emails his spell clients to let them know he'll have to reschedule them, checks his mail to make sure nothing new has caught fire, and has Pelor bring him to Hempholme to get a room and some sleep.

He's back after two days, with lots of pictures - the requested landscapes and distance shots of a city, half a dozen shots of a treetop marketplace populated by elves, another few of a courtyard full of statues of dwarves while more of them practice axe drills in the background, gnomes proudly showing off various art installations and alchemy setups and inscrutable inventions, halflings practicing a tumbling routine on a stage surrounded by halfling-scale wagons with the city in the background, a stained-glass depiction of Boccob surrounded by windows depicting various runes, a winged talon-footed man in a grey toga with a hawk on his shoulder, a series of people in variously decorated robes with various creatures - mostly mundane-looking animals, but there's one with a living slime, and another with a floating ball of light, and another with an odd blue lizard with lightning playing over its hide. His next stop seems to have been a dragon lair, and the next batch of pictures are of the copper creature posing on his hoard, climbing on the ceiling of his lair, rearing impressively, and flying alongside the camera. Then there's a set of pictures of centaurs, dappled black and brown in the back and tanned and slightly inhuman-looking in the front, starting from a fair distance and working up to getting them to pose and show off their bows and other accessories. Next are the requested unicorns, pure white and regal-looking, accompanied by a woman in green cleric's robes; the unicorns graze in the background in the next pictures, of a dryad (who is indeed topless but has no more anatomical detail than would be shown through a shirt) peeking out of her tree and sitting on the ground to play a reed pipe. The next picture is set in unforested hills, of a weasel the size of a horse regarding the camera warrily, and then the collection comes to the griffins; in this case none of the pictures are taken from very close, but there are plenty, of the creatures on the wing and on the ground, preening and resting and eating an unidentifiable animal they seem to have killed. After that, there are a few more landscapes, and then perhaps the crown of the collection, of a glossy black dragon the size of a draft horse, open-mawed and apparently just a few seconds from eating the camera as it attacks from above.


"Wicked," says the head web designer of that last. "These are really good - site'll look so much less stupid and plain - I wanna redo the colors, get some green in there, there's a lot of green in all these -"

"Yeah, I'll pull some hexes."

"Skip, vet these -"

"I'm coming - oh, gorgeous. The ones of people it's good to caption with names if possible. All taken with permission?"


"Not from the black dragon, and I didn't interrupt the dwarves - that's a public courtyard, I wouldn't expect it to be a problem. And the crowd scene with the elves, I didn't ask there, either. I remember names for some of the rest and I should be able to find the ones from the city again if I go back soon enough."


"...can you go back and get the black dragon's permission?" asks Skip. "Crowd scenes it matters less."


"That's not posed, she was trying to eat me."


"...we can call it photographic evidence of a crime and then we don't need her OK," Skip says.


"All right."


"Why was she trying to eat you?" asks the website designer.


"She didn't like me being in her territory - chromatic dragons are touchy that way. That one's a little too young to have eggs or anything."


"...so the crime's trespassing, still works," says Skip after a pause.

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