Raafi in Revelation
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"...Ms. Lee, I'd appreciate an email as whatever this is becomes clearer."

"I can do that, sir."

"At any rate, I'd like to know what if anything I can expect to protect my Martians with the GCP in shambles and most of their prisoners loose, or loose pending the looming possibility of mass transit interworld; and I'd like to know what else there is to protect them from and how."


"I'm in the process of putting together a clerical order to watch for the GCP daeva and return them if they come to this plane; it should be ready in the next few days, and able to take action about other daeva too, if they're notified of them. I and other gods have similar orders devoted to protecting people from the other dangers of our world; it will take us some time to be prepared to extend those operations to this one, which is why we're waiting on making your world known to the public of ours."


"Is this going to want subscription money like the GCP did?"


   "Absolutely not."




"Well, I suppose that'll cheer up the budget, and a cheerful budget can cover a few things."


Pelor nods. "Is there anything else?"


"You tell me."


"I think most of the problems that we have that are too small to call a paladin order in for are similar to the ones you do, with a few exceptions, wizards being the obvious one - they have a wider variety of magic than clerics, including more destructive capacity if they specialize that way, and no particular restrictions on their behavior. Most cities have wizards on staff to defend them from hostile ones, and I can try to find amenable ones for you - though that won't be easy, with the secrecy. Daeva will make a reasonable substitute in some ways, but not for everything. Dangerous magical creatures might also be a concern if they get loose here, depending on which ones do, but I expect that we can solve that problem as it comes up. Druids - sir, do you know anything about what the Piper will think of this world?"

    "There aren't any wild places here for him. Ehlonna's planning on staging an attack on him, eventually."

"That might be dangerous, but she'll warn you. 'Eventually' in gods' terms could be hundreds of years, easily. And Ehlonna is g- blue, she'll make sure you're prepared before she does anything. What else... magic items, you won't be prepared for the capabilities they give people. We can put a section about out world's magic's capabilities on the website, I expect I'd forget something if I tried to explain it now."


"Do you have enough wizards? I get the sense there's more of us than there are of you, even if you factor out secrecy altogether," says the President.


"You'll want to source wizards locally as your people start picking it up, yes. But wizards take a long time to learn their craft, and which one wins a fight is mostly a matter of experience - you won't need our more-experienced wizards to defend against your upcoming ones, just against ours, if you're thoughtful about choosing who has access to the training first."


"It's hard to learn out of books?"


"I don't know much about wizard training, but I don't think I've ever heard of one who didn't have some sort of apprenticeship or go to college for it."


"If it's possible to learn out of books at all we can't control that, someone will leak the texts."


Raafi nods. "I'm not assuming you'll be able to keep it contained forever - you don't want to, our magic is useful. A head start is enough to keep you safe."


"I don't think we can count on very much of one. The books will be leaked almost immediately, as soon as anyone has a title to go on."


"I'd expect it to be slower, at very least, without a teacher. And they won't have translation magic, either. If that's not enough - you can set paladins against wizards, sometimes... sir?"

    "Purple ones," he nods.

"Between that and the daeva and the wizards we can spare, I think you'll be okay."


"Any of these people going to want to be paid?"


"It's usual to. I think I'll be able to find wizards who are interested in living as civilians in a new place and defending it as needed, if you'd rather, though that's riskier, they won't be available immediately if they don't have the spells you'd want prepared. It shouldn't be hard to find ones that are interested in either of those and training apprentices, though."


"How expensive are they?"


"I've been guessing at an exchange rate, and it depends substantially on how experienced a wizard you want, but-"

Yep, that sure is a number that makes sense to charge as someone with a rare and in-demand skill.


President Melo whistles a little. "Do they insist on apprenticeships and not, oh, lecture halls with a thousand students...?"


"They do classes; they don't do classes of a thousand, but that might just be because they don't have a thousand prospective students at once. I can ask."


"Thank you, I appreciate that."


He nods. "The relevant talent for wizards is cleverness, and good aim is useful for battle mages, if you want to start looking for students. And gnomes are likely to be the most interested in coming to a place I can't tell them about ahead of time - they're very curious by nature - so you might want to prepare for that."


"Cleverness like, what, IQ score?"

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