Raafi in Revelation
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"I like trying restaurants, too, but I felt like company today. At home it's pretty common for me to be invited to eat with people on the road, or in smaller towns." He tries some of the food. "Mmmm. What's in this?"


"Sausage, shrimp, chicken, peppers, rice, celery, onions, tomatoes, and enough garlic to choke a horse!"


"It'd be hard to get all those things in one place, in my world! It's a good combination, though, very tasty."


"You just wait, as soon as there's a way to get there somebody'll pack a demon in their suitcase and hop over and set up shop."


He chuckles. "It'll probably be a while, but we're working on it. It'll be neat to see what our worlds make of each other once we don't have so much of a divide."


"The healing's lovely. I'm old friends with the sister of somebody you saw, one of the brain damage ones, Dot Tranh."


"I'm glad I could help. And that's one of the first things you'll be getting more of, Pelor's very serious about it."


"Oh good. There's more of those, who didn't hear about you or were a little skeptical or whatever, people have accidents or seizures." She pours herself more water.


"Mmhmm. Your religious situation is so different here from what we're used to, we're having some trouble figuring out how or even if he should bring his church here, but as soon as that's sorted out there'll be lots more clerics. Not enough, for a while, but lots more than just me."


"If it all works here just how you'd expect, how come we never had clerics before? If you don't even need a god to belong to?"


"I'm really not sure. It's the kind of thing you can stumble on by accident, in our world. And so is your summoning, and we don't have anything like that. Maybe next time I go I'll find a scholar to talk to about it and write something for the blog."


"Next time what? You have dinner?"


"Oh, next time I'm over there. I just got back from a couple of days of taking pictures for the new website, and I'm going back probably tomorrow to see if I can find some wizards to bring over."


"The pictures were so neat. Loved the dryad."


"She was a real sweetheart. They're very shy, sometimes, I was lucky she was willing to come out for me."


"Not so shy she doesn't want her picture all over?"


"I'm not really sure she understood how many people would see it - dryads never get to see even our smaller cities. She liked the idea, though. Said it was a little like getting to explore away from her tree."


"What does she do all day, stuck in a tree?"


"That one plays the pipes, and there's a couple of birds she's tamed - they were too shy for me to get a good picture. And dryads can talk to plants, and they usually live in places with other fey creatures and druids, and they'll keep them company."


"Talk to plants! What do plants say?"


"Nothing very complicated, but they all talk to each other, you can get news from all over the forest that way if you're patient about it."


"Wow. You must have magic plants."


"We'll have to see if the same thing works here. Magic can be funny that way sometimes."


"Are there things you've tried which haven't worked?"


"Nope, but I haven't tried anything much more unusual than summoning. I was planning on trying to resurrect someone, before I knew about your afterlives, I have no idea what that would have done."

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