Raafi in Revelation
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    "That will help."

"Even if we couldn't it would be fine, there's a pretty absurd number of people here. It should probably go in the FAQ, actually - clerics get a limited number of spells per day, increasing with experience - it starts out at five or six weak ones and goes up to a few dozen. While there are only a few of us here our magic will be a very limited resource."


"That can go in the how to get magic healing one, then," says Ramona.


"Okay. How long should we expect the insurance to take?"


"Might be a couple days unless they reached out because they have it all worked out," says Skip.


He nods. "Is it a horrible idea to keep working through the client list I already have? I assume Pelor's people are going to wait on it."


"It's risky, ask your insurers if you can get retroactive coverage."


He nods. "I can use a few days off. I'll pick up some things from Oerth to make up the difference. And some scrolls," he tells the other clerics. "So, what else did we need - a name?"


"Yup - probably nothing frilly, 'oerth.com' will be free."


"Sounds good. Do you have any recommendations about the pictures?"


"Pretty landscapes, distant shots of a couple cities," advises Jenny. "Portrait of Pelor."


"I can definitely do that."


"Oh, and some nice shots of magical creatures if you can get those," says Doug.

"Ooh, yeah. Do you have unicorns? You have dragons, maybe you have unicorns," says Ramona.


"We have unicorns. It might take me more than a couple days to get ahold of a herd, but I should be able to get a dryad and some centaurs no problem, and maybe some griffins if I'm lucky. - I'll stop by the temple of Boccob at Hempholme, too, see if any wizards with exotic familiars want to pose."

    "I'll ask Ehlonna if she knows of a herd that'll meet you on short notice."

"That'll help, thank you sir."


"Ooh, griffins," coos Ramona.

"Do dryads and centaurs pose any, uh, nudity issues?" asks Skip. "You wanna keep it kid-friendly - breasts are okay in nonsexual contexts these days as long as you don't hit any of a hundred contraindications that make it look like it's secretly fetish pinup art, but no genitals."


"Most centaurs wear shirts or vests. Dryads vary a little more but I'll see what I can come up with."


"If they want to be topless that's technically fine, it's just you run into problems if they're also - you know what, I think that's a semester-long course, just get a bunch of poses and we can sort it out."


"All right. I suspect I have a feel for it by now anyway, I've been around enough people here, but I'll just get lots of everything."


"Sounds good."


"The librarians are almost ready. Do you need anything else from us now?"


"Nope. Thanks for attending this consult!" says Skip.


    "Thank you," Pelor nods.

"Where should we bring the librarians?"


"This room is fine and we'll get the website people in presently. Do you have Riverbank? To pay the both of us."


"I've been using Pear, is that going to be hard to switch over?"


"Nah, you can Pear yourself money in Riverbank no-fee if you just check the box saying you are yourself. Riverbank is better for businesses like ours, is all, Pear's more oriented towards retail type needs."


"All right, I can probably figure that out. I'll stay," he tells Pelor, "if you'd like to take the others home," and Pelor nods and does that.

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