Raafi in Revelation
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"Oh wow, my girlfriend'd love the ring. No magic vibrators, huh?"


"The rings are very popular," she nods. "Vibrators are new."


"Yeah I think what you're missing is mostly electric stuff - zappy things and everything that runs on batteries - and I guess silicone and plastic."


"Those don't sound familiar," she nods. "Any suggestions?"


"You want a look at Danica's stash?"




Danica's stash is divided into disposables, washables, and stuff with disposable plastic covers, plus a locked case that says to ask for a supervised demo in case you want to buy your own.


"Oh, huh, that's clever - we have cleaning magic, I hadn't thought about what you'd do without it." She looks through with a professional's eye, though she has to ask for a few demonstrations before she gets the hang of looking for buttons to press. "We'll definitely want a few of these, once we can bring them over."


"Danica shills for Vibe Check for everything they sell if you like these specifically but there's lots of other places to buy from."


"Good to know; we'll have to start somewhere, if nothing else. Maybe get Raafi in here to give me some specific recommendations," she grins.


"Raafi? ...the guy who -"


"Fharlanghn's cleric, yeah. He's here trying to patch that up."


"Didn't he, uh - sorry, I usually try to avoid current events in here."


"It's all right, I know it's on everybody's mind. It's been kind of a disaster all around, he didn't want it to end up this way either."


"Uh-huh. If he comes in here he should probably make real sure whoever offers to whale on him is real good at separating politics and fun."


"I won't leave him unattended," she nods. "Not that I would anyway, but. How do you usually handle that, anyway, I imagine we have different customs."


"Handle, what, mixing politics and fun? There's one guy who specifically likes to get in the stocks and go 'I voted straight ticket Orbital Party, hit me, hit me' but he's unusual. Mostly Danica polices it, or sometimes one of her deputies."


"Bringing someone in to share around, I meant. He's not going to want to get into the politics if he can avoid it."


"He's yours? You'd take him to the Blue Room down those stairs and set him up wherever, could adjourn to a smaller room if somebody wanted more privacy and you were inclined to that."


"All right. Anything I should know about talking to people about it? Safeword customs, anything like that?"


"Oh, yeah, I suppose yours'll differ. Stop means stop unless you talked about specific reasons stop wouldn't mean stop; then by default safeword or red or waving your hand like this," he demonstrates, "means stop, Danica won't allow total incommunicado in here so no bound and gagged both unless you have a chiplock you can make noise with but some people do and then their text to speech saying stop means stop. Also sometimes she gets real suspicious if someone she doesn't know well and doesn't have references about from a colleague or anything shows up and immediately wants to spend six hours in predicament or something and she wants to get them out of there and quiz them."


"Very reasonable," she nods. "I might want to talk to her, we usually do bound and gagged with a bell ball, but I can run him out of spells if that's a problem - if he can talk he can teleport, and you really don't want that happening in the middle of a scene."


"Hasn't, uh, come up, but yeah, run it by her."


"Is she around?"


"Probably in the Blue Room but I can go get her for you if you like."

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