Raafi in Revelation
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"If she's not busy. I can come back if she is."


"I'll have a look." He disappears down the stairs.

He's back a minute later at the heels of, apparently, Danica, who has on loose linen pants and no shirt. "Name?" she asks Kat.


"Kat. Cleric of Lastai, I don't think I mentioned - goddess of pleasure."


"I don't know if my fairy can enforce my rules on clerics. Or goddesses."


"Lastai'd be pretty unimpressed if I was rude to someone in her domain, fairy or no."


"If a demon came in here with a tissue paper binding and I said they had to leave on account of not being sure my fairy could enforce my rules, and they said 'don't worry, my dom's very strict about that' I don't think I ought to go 'all right then'."


"All right. I don't actually know how I'd stack up against a fairy, but better safe than sorry, certainly."


"Now, of course, my fairy I trust as a person. He's got a binding but it's gotta let him do plenty so he can do his job, I'd better. But for now you stay up here in this room."


"Herb said you had a question about a sub incommunicado, I can answer that in the general case if you like."


She nods. "I've got one who can teleport - the spell's for getting out of bindings, there's no gesture, if he can talk he can do it. Bad idea, in the middle of a scene, and he will, if he's startled the wrong way. So we usually use a gag and a bell ball - something he can hold that makes a noise if he drops it, and that's his safeword. Or I could run him out of spells before we came in but he kind of hates that, might not go for it."


"Had a problem five years back with a creep who liked to sneak those out of people's hands, tops didn't always notice. Creep's out of the picture but I've insisted on a hand, a voice, or a chip since. Chip can be set to scream if it leaves range."


"Yikes. We have truth magic, if you run into something like that again, won't stop it from happening in the first place but at least you can figure out who it was right away." She considers. "He doesn't have a chip but I bet he's thinking about it. That and running him out of his better teleport might be enough - the little one he'll stay within a couple blocks, the big one he could go anywhere."


"Oh, we knew who it was once there was a report."


"That's good."


"Mm-hm. Truth magic might be useful other times."


"Yeah, just let me know. You can get an item for it, too, but it's not really best practice; it's possible to throw it off and you won't know if somebody did if it's just on an item."


"How would I let you know?"


"I've got an email address, uh-" she gets out her phone and looks it up for her.


"...new email?" Danica asks, typing it out onto her own phone.


"We don't have it in Oerth, yeah."


"Oh, right."


"Lots of new stuff here," she grins. "I'm looking forward to getting to bring some of it home."


"Some of it's real fun stuff. You going to hang out here a while?"


"I'm not in a rush. Might get bored, I guess."

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