Raafi in Revelation
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"How much'd these things cost?"


"Well out of the reach of most people, in our world - a few thousand gold, and someone doing common skilled work will make about a gold a day."


"Gosh. I guess they could be rentals, for most folks."


"Mmhmm. Or if it's one of Fharlanghn's clerics giving the tours they might just have them available for whoever needs them. Clerics are like that," she grins, touching her brooch.


"...will they be able to keep up with demand though?"


"Maybe not, but they'll try."


"There's a lot of people."


"Yeah, I don't know what they'll do if they get really overwhelmed. Usually it'd be starting a business or something but I'm not sure they'd be able to pull it off."


"No? Why not?"


"They don't settle down that long. Like, they're not allowed to, but also that's how they are as people, they're always off exploring the next new thing."


"It could be an online business."


"Maybe. I don't know very much about the internet yet."


"I keep finished furniture in a drone warehouse and robots ship it when an order goes through, if it's not a commission in the first place, I can be on the other side of the planet."


"That's neat. A tour company seems like it'd be a lot more like our bathhouse, though, with how much time they'd have to spend with customers, and I know that takes a lot of work - I'm not sure you can do it without someone keeping an eye on the whole thing, and that's a lot to ask of Fharlanghn's clerics."


"Oh, you mean turning the tourism thing into a business, not supporting it with some side business, okay."


"Oh, yeah, no, they'd want to do at least some of it themselves."


"How's coming in here on your to-do list with everything going on?"


"I'm not really involved with most of what they're doing - they asked me here to sort out a diplomatic problem they were having, and that's pretty much taken care of. So my next thing is figuring out if Lastai's church should come here and what that might look like - we might, but it might be more you guys helping us out than the other way around, we'll see."


"...it'd be really weird having any kind of church mixed up in kink stuff."


"Religion seems really different here, yeah. We might shift focus a bit if we do come."


"Shift it how?"


"Well, another way to look at it is that Lastai's thing is the edges of society - the people who're striking it out on their own to figure out what a good life looks like for them, when the people around them are saying that what they want doesn't work and shouldn't be tried. I don't know what that looks like here but I bet there're people doing it."


"...uh, there's the Society for Precocity but I don't know if you go in for that."


"Their thing is arguing that there's kids with early-developing sexualities who could be paired up with maps without that hurting the kids, at least if everyone would take it calmly."

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