Raafi in Revelation
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"All right. You park in here, Herb can get me if you need me for anything." She gives a little wave and heads back downstairs.


And Kat goes back to her table.


Herb sits with her. "The fairy's name is Daro, he's good people," he volunteers.


"That's good. Fairies are the telekinesis ones, right?"


"Yup. Can't fix you if you get injured but can rush you to the hospital real fast, and they're better for everything else security-wise."


She nods. "We can do both - injuries especially, if we have any magic at all we can heal wounds with it, and then we can prepare things like a sleep spell, or a spell to make someone drop what they're holding, that kind of thing."


"Come up much?"


"Healing a fair bit, yeah - I bet we're not as strict about that as you are, since it's not a big deal, people'll consent to a risk of getting hurt if they know they'll be fine two minutes later with nobody else the wiser about it. The other stuff - every few months? We could cut that down if we were trying but we'd rather not set our troublemakers lose on the rest of the community if we can help it."


"Danica talks to all the other major organizers in the province, or talk to people who talk to them, make sure they know who's trouble."


"We're pretty much the only ones this organized about it, at home."


"Well, we can't stop people from letting trouble into their own houses, so kicking someone out of every club in Hellas doesn't actually make them behave, they have to cross an on the books line for the cops to step in."


"Maybe your cops are better than ours."


"Martian cops are great, you hear bad things about Earth ones sometimes."


"That's good. We might still have some philosophical differences about it but it'd be nice not to have the practical problem on top of it."


"What practical problem?"


"Gets kind of into politics, sure you want to hear about it?"


"Uh, how about the quick version."


"There's this idea that if you make the things people do to get by when they're poor dangerous enough they'll stop, somehow. It gets pretty bad."


"I don't think we... have... poor people... anymore, and I was never good at history, but that does sound pretty bad, yeah."


"Yeah. I'm sure you didn't come here to listen to me complain, though. So - what do you do?"


"I teach art and woodworking! I made some of the weird furniture around here - none in this room but I can pull up pics if you want."


"Oh, nice, what've you got?"


He shows her pictures of Weird Sex Furniture!


She's pretty enthusiastic about the weird sex furniture!


Then she can see lots of it. "If you want to order any, lemme link you my website -" He emails it to her.

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