Raafi in Revelation
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"This might be something we need to just test - what I need is for them to be able to walk around somewhere inhabited without more in the way of special accommodation than they can reasonably expect to get. I'm sure a foot does that and I think two probably does, even if there's a bit of a crowd, but it might be that more is fine. And then hopefully we can solve the problem of them hovering outside of range separately - that can be much wider if it's by request."


"They can fly, if they're trying to get through somewhere crowded."


"Not indoors."


"...I suppose, if they go somewhere crowded indoors, then the demons and angels can't just fly overhead. I'm just not sure if 'more distance on request' really covers all the cases - in particular I'm not sure if it's technically possible for the binding to allow people to make this request on behalf of others, and it would have to, for children and certain disabilities and the language barrier case."


"The language barrier case I might be able to solve magically - not quickly, but they can be confined while I do it. For making requests for others - can the request be made in writing? I'm imagining a parent or guide making the immediate request for themselves and just staying by their charge, and if they need something longer-term, writing something for the person and having them show it to the daeva, or however that would work."


"Hm - I think I'm having a problem where in trying to think out all the possibilities here I'm going to come across badly to you because you need to feel that the daeva's freedom is taken as an end goal, and that's making me reluctant to bring up my objections to these ideas. Though probably regardless we should get the GCP liaison in about what's technically possible with a binding."


"We should," he nods. "And I can ask Kat to come in again if you'd be more comfortable with a go-between for that kind of thing, but I am trying to get both things, here, the daeva free enough and everyone else safe and comfortable. I'm focusing on the daeva because that seems like the obvious way to do it - I know much less about what people here need to feel safe, I don't know your culture - and there are limits to what I can do, but I do care about both."


"I do expect most of the category of thing that worries me to be handled by polities preemptively exiling daeva. But if there's, oh, a wildcat Lunar arcology, with a park in it, and the furniture angel comes to the park, she'll be recognized, and all the kids will have to go home, instead of playing at the park. Making her give them ten feet of space doesn't prevent that. It doesn't even prevent a toddler who doesn't know who she is yet from running up to her and their parent having to also run right up to her to get them away. Making her give everyone ten feet of space while she freely roams every place without enough of a government to fence her out is already falling so far short of making people feel safe and comfortable, here, that I'm not sure what to do to impress that upon you. Making it even worse than ten feet, even closer, even more of the possible proximity initiated by her instead of confused children, that's a very hard thing you're asking."


"I am expecting that they'll be hedged out of most everywhere. The main thing I want practically is for anyone who wants to set up a place to allow them to be able to do that. I wouldn't object to preemptively prohibiting them from the inhabited planets."


"That might be all the planets and moons short of the gas giants, and it might be those too if we wind up with transit from Limbo and Limboites want to live on Jupiter."


"Mmhmm. That's not ideal, but I can live with it. If we don't come up with anything better."


"Also, I can see the complaints from Federated already."




"Well, they don't live on planets. And there are new stations all the time. Not even just arcologies."


"-I was imagining that in addition to places being individually able to forbid them. But what I'd actually like is something that's done on a place-by-place or group-by-group basis and doesn't depend on types of government that not all places or groups have. I don't know what limitations we're working under but ideally in a place with no specific leader, anyone would be able to send them away, maybe not permanently but for long enough to solve whatever problem they're having."


"How long are you imagining that might be?"


He shrugs. "A month? At least? That's a cultural question in a lot of ways. I might default to more like three, for humans."


"That puts an onus on the individuals of any wildcat or politically restless location to be constantly on the lookout for wandering criminals. It's not very many now, but it'll be more, fast, as soon as this is set up, now that we know summoners become daeva themselves."


"I'd have to know more about how your wildcats do things to make any good suggestions for them - the daeva being able to go places by default is something I can't budge on. But maybe they can have a committee for it and preemptively forbid them, I don't know."


"Wildcats sort of by definition don't do things how everyone else does them, or how each other do them - it's a catchall term for a colony that isn't interfacing with normal governments."


"Mm. How about this angle - how are the daeva going to know where they can and can't go? Or if the binding doesn't depend on that, what does it depend on?"


"I was imagining a list they could consult online."


"That makes sense. And how will it be decided who gets to put a place on the list? I expect most of the time you'll consider it obvious, but if there was, as purely a hypothetical, a coup tomorrow and two people were claiming to be the president, and they wanted different things, how would that be worked out?"


"I see what you mean. In the case of Mars I'd think it'd fall to the United Nations."


He nods. "If it was that simple for the wildcats I assume you'd've said, though. A way that it could work, without that, would be that either of them could add Mars to the list of places the daeva can't go, and that would hold until that person removed it again or the leadership situation was sorted out. For wildcats that could work out to anyone associated with the place being able to ban them. It assumes that 'being associated with' is something that works sensibly basically all the time, which I'm not sure is true - I went ahead and got citizenship with a station I have no particular plans to ever visit, since it seemed important to have it somewhere - but it might be close enough, I assume they mostly already have ways to remove troublemakers when they need to."

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