Raafi in Revelation
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"Ah, right, let me think - we're not just members of our respective religions, we're clerics, but I haven't had to explain that before. Mostly it's that you have to be on board with the actual teachings and philosophy of your god, to care about that more than anything else, in order to be a cleric; that's where our magic comes from. And I don't know how you think about that kind of focus here in general, but Raafi's run into people who expected him to be much more flexible about it than any cleric will be."


"Huh, really? He says 'that's against my religion' and they're like 'do it anyway'?"


"With high enough stakes that I'm not surprised it happened, and not so overtly, but basically." She pats his knee. "I don't think that's likely to come up here, but if it does, they might not know how to explain what the problem is. And it won't necessarily be with something they can't do."


"What else would it be?"


"I don't actually know what Pelor expects of his clerics, but there might be obligations that they have that conflict, or context that they have to think about and address before they can do something, or things like that. I'm going to want to make sure I know how to do it politely before I send any messages from my phone, as a simple example; of course anyone would want to know that but good communication is important to clerics of Lastai, above and beyond the usual."


"Oh. Honestly messaging etiquette would be a whole additional session but you can mostly write as you'd speak and be fine."


"I expect I can read about it on my own, too, there're always people who are slower to pick it up and need extra help, but if I don't have time to before the messaging class and you ask me to message someone - I'll be okay, I can practice with Raafi, but if something similar comes up with Pelor's clerics it might not be so straightforward."


"...So, generally I'm working with students who have been in one small town only with other members of their religious community all their lives, with few if any trips out, and they can often find it overwhelming, but usually in specific ways that if I don't know about ahead of time I can at least guess. Knowing what to guess if someone makes a face at the concept of deleting spam or something would be good."


"Okay. The main thing is going to be anything that has to do with Pelor's domains or interests - his domains are healing, community, spiritual strength, and the sun, and he's the de facto god of humans and interspecies settlements, especially diverse ones, and he opposes undead and our kind of demons - they don't seem to be having a problem differentiating, yours are very different even if the translation is confused about it. But anything that references those you can assume will get their attention."


"Spiritual strength?"


"In some ways the main point of contention between our churches," she chuckles. "The idea of being good in bad situations by force of will, basically."


"Uh, the people who I'm usually teaching would mean, or expect others to mean, by that things like 'not looking at members of the opposite sex' or 'refusing medical treatment for serious illnesses'."


"-wow." She laughs. "I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they hear about that one, they would never. God of healing, after all. You do hear once in a while about one of them taking a vow of chastity or poverty or something, so that's closer, but it's not something they expect of their laity and it's not that uncommon for them to marry - I'd expect it to be more about handling naturally occurring bad situations that way, not about setting themselves up for it."


"I don't think a Mennonite would say they're setting themselves up. Can you help me understand what might actually happen, here?"


"-sorry. Um - I think broadly speaking if the normal way of doing something inconveniences someone or carries some risk of causing a problem and there's an alternative that doesn't, they'll want to know about the alternative, even if it's disproportionately inconvenient to them to do it that way, and they might be on alert for that or want reassurance about it. Possibly even if there isn't an alternative they'll want to know."


"Huh. Okay. Is that all?"


"That's all that's coming to mind, yeah."


"Okay. I think that'll affect... spam filtration... and online dating if any of them want to do that... and multiplayer games..."


"That sounds about right. Dating's going to be a whole thing anyway if any of us do it, gods make lousy metamours and nobody here will be used to that."


"...do you mean metamours literally?"


"It's not literally true but thinking about it that way works better than anything else we've come up with, you can't expect to be a cleric's one and only. I'm not sure how Pelor's clerics talk about it, polyamory isn't that common among humans in our world."


"It's not typical but people know about it."


"That'll help, then, if we can get the word out about it. I don't think it'll come up soon, anyway, everyone's too busy."


"I'm used to classes which are half gay people who want to get laid last week but I don't hang the curriculum on it."


She nods. "Well, going over it should be fine. I'm not sure how interested they'll be, maybe put it at the end of a session and let them leave early if they want. I can show them later once I know about it myself if they change their minds."

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