Raafi in Revelation
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"Thank you. How many clerics does Pelor have here? It might make more sense until we have enough people for a class, if that won't take too long."


"More than forty and counting, it's the 'and counting' that could make a class tricky."


"Oh, that's plenty to start with, all right. We can let some of them wait."


Ramona nods. "Uh, Jenny says there are classes for ex-Mennonites and the like and she's trying to recruit one of their teachers."



"Uh, how did you..."


"Internet," grins Ramona, turning her phone. "See, I typed this up, the part that says, 'Jenny, Internet classes e.g. for luddite escapees for the Oerth folks?' and she replied, just now, 'Good idea, poaching from World Wide Welcome now'."


"Impressive. If you expect us to get that good at it you're probably going to be disappointed," she grins.


"Oh, I'm unusually good at typing one-thumbed mid-conversation without looking, but still, it's very handy."


"I can see that. Okay. Is there anything else we should be picking up?"


"Maybe how to get around with local bus and shuttle setups. They seem adequately quick on the uptake about how to buy things once they don't look at their phones like they're scared they bite."


"That'll be new, yes. Maybe I'll put Raafi on figuring it out some afternoon, and he can teach me and I can teach them. I'm an educator myself; it's not my usual area but it should be fine."


"He seems conversant with the Internet, he had a blog."


"...I guess. I suppose I'll have to take that internet class and see what it has to do with busses."


"I mean I'd expect him to be able to find and acquire the app for bus wayfinding, even if he doesn't have it because he can teleport."


"Ah. Well, good."


"Jenny's found somebody, he's coming over now."


"That's fast. This is just to meet him?"


"Yeah, he might decide he's not a good fit or something. Uh, his background is with people who are leaving religions that forbade them to use technology. Jenny will have explained that this isn't that but he might have scripts stored in his head for that case so people should be aware of that." She raises her voice a bit for the ambient Pelorian clerics on that.


"...that'll be, uh, interesting. Maybe start him with a small group first."


"That might be a good idea. The good news is World Wide Welcome doesn't charge, they're a nonprofit who take donations."


"That is convenient. We'll have to remember to send them something later." She pauses to tell Raafi and update him on what's happening.


A guy wearing a shirt that says W.ORLD W.IDE W.ELCOME appears about half an hour later. "Hi folks!" he says to the set of people in the atrium.


Word has spread among Pelor's clerics, and the ones who aren't busy with other things have come down; one of them steps forward. "Hello."


"I'm Matt! I'm with World Wide Welcome, we get people online starting from scratch, and I'm here to see if I'm a good fit for your crowd."


"That sounds like it'll be useful, it's very new to us. I'm Len, one of Pelor's diplomats."

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