Raafi in Revelation
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The angel cultists live on Tosche Station, a solar-orbiting cube between Venus and Earth. The corners are sufficiently far from the gravitic pinhole that summons can't be performed there, and the angel cultists are being penned up in one of these.


He checks before he goes that it won't cause any problems if he just shows up.


He will need to sign in as a tourist when he arrives at the station.


He does that, and goes to see the cultists, or at least attempts to.


They can have visitors! They have a guard posted at the entrances to the corner section but otherwise have the run of the place. It's some forty people including some families with kids.


He goes in. He'll try to find some reasonably-sized public place to sit and talk to them, but he's not disguising who he is, so he's not expecting to get that far.


Corner section guard wants to know who he's there to see.


Them in general, is that a problem?


"You doing journalism?"


"No - I'm the cleric of Fharlanghn, we're working on a plan to re-bind the daeva and I want to see if they have any concerns that should be addressed."


"...you want to see if the angel cult has concerns that should be addressed? They think angels are all perfectly good and should be allowed to do whatever they want."


He shrugs. "If there's more to it than that I don't want them to say later that I didn't check. I don't know, I haven't spoken to them."


"Are you going to try to let them out of the corner?"




"Great. Why should I take your word for it?"


"You know I'm here. If any of them go missing it'll be very obvious who did it, and I have other things I'm trying to accomplish in this world that I can't do if I'm on the run."


"You know, a lot of people decide to do stupid shit even when it'll be obvious they did it."


"A lot of people don't think things through, sure. You know I have, I just explained it."


"Yeah, I don't trust you. You can video call 'em if you know someone in there and want to chat."


He sighs, backs off a bit, and leans against a wall to poke at his phone. Are there rules about this that he can find?


The angel cultists are not being held with no visitors and in particular anyone who qualifies as a journalist under the Federated Stations definition book has to be allowed in, as well as their preexisting friends and family members.


And what does the Federated Stations definition book have to say about it?


The Federated Stations definition book says a journalist is someone who has historically and intends indefinitely to have as a career or substantial hobby the investigation and dissemination of information of any kind to the general public. His blog is kind of an edge case. There are precedents he can view; investigating something so you can tell your therapy patients or friends or customers or something like that does not count as journalism, it has to be a publication. Watching movies and reviewing them does count, if you have a movie review column.


So the blog and also a lot of the rest of his career are both edge cases - they don't have a precedent for intentionally disseminating information by word of mouth rather than publishing it somewhere. He'll want to shore that up for the future; for now he has his ride bring him back to Earth to see if anyone among Pelor's staff fits the description: yes, one, but she's very busy and not to be interrupted right now; they'll pass along his request that she investigate and give the cultists his mail label.

He goes back to Mars to see how Kat is doing with the book.


The book emphasizes the tremendous diversity over time and sect in various Revelation religions and examines such topics as monastic life as a haven for minority orientations assuming the limit or concealment of specific expressions of their love, the Iranian Muslim acceptance of transgendered people coexisting with their condemnation of homosexuality, sects like Shakers which decline to condone any sexual behavior at all, and of course all the flavors of emphasis on heterosexual marriage and childrearing as the bedrock of community formation and the building block of society, from miscellaneous Mormons (with an aside on their polygamous tendencies compared and contrasted to modern secular polyamory) through Orthodox Jews.

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