Raafi in Revelation
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"I can find someone else if it is a problem, but it'll slow me down, I'm not very familiar with any other summoners yet."


"I suppose if they used to be a human..."


"I might be able to arrange for you to meet them, if that would help. I'm not sure how busy they are, though."


"I don't think that's necessary."


"All right. Let me know if you think of anything that would make it more comfortable for you." And they can get down to work; Raafi and Zanel are clearly amateurs but have some experience in looking for loopholes and figuring out how to apply behavioral restrictions to limit more abstract problems.


The standard GCP binding keeps daeva from leaving the premises, which has to be replaced with a bit about not entering an exiling polity or, if placed in one, exploiting that to go bother people there - "Should we just advise them to, uh, pray for a ticket out, if someone drops them in an arcology or in Brazil or something?"


"Conjured mail is more reliable, if we have reason to believe that they'll be able to bring supplies with them if they go anywhere. I can set up a shared address for all the local clerics of Fharlanghn to be able to look at once there are more of us, I assume. And I assume the demons will need some sort of exception to allow it, if they end up gagged."


"Prayers aren't, uh, internal?"


"It's possible to pray silently but there's no guarantee that the god you're praying to will notice you. Attention is one of their main limitations."


"We can except the binding for a conjured mail note. I don't expect this would come up often, but we're trained in thinking about weird edge cases, and even if we don't let a daeva travel to Brazil we can't oblige them to put up any resistance if someone takes it into their head to put them there, and once they're there they can't just enjoy the hospitality of Brazil, which has gone ahead and preemptively exiled them which is why I'm using it as an example."


"That makes sense, yes. The reaction time might be less than ideal - I'm imagining a situation where they end up in, say, the middle of a city, and I'm still the only cleric of Fharlanghn here and I'm offworld or in Limbo or something and not due back for a few days. I suppose Pelor's people might be willing to cover that kind of gap until there are more of us."

    "We can do that. What happens if they end up somewhere like that and don't send mail?"


"Brazil-for-example could also ferry them out, if they were noticed sitting there being a road obstruction or what have you. There'd ideally be a default place to shuttle them to. And if they wind up in the Amazon rainforest and want to sit there rather than writing for help, well, ultimately no harm is done, assuming the binding tightens up when they're in an unauthorized polity so they can't hurt the wildlife or anything."


    "Mmhmm. I don't see why Ganymede wouldn't work as the default place, as long as they can just leave again."

"They might be upset to be brought back after having been confined there. It'll do if they have the option to request something else and have that listened to, though."


"...I mean, that really depends what they ask for. Brazil can't send them to Heaven or Oerth or wherever on request."


"Within the realm of where they're allowed to go, of course."


"They can be allowed to go somewhere hilariously impractical, I don't think we can require Brazil to hire them a fairy to tote them to the Pegasus Galaxy."


"Is 'within the solar system' reasonable, or is there something that clear-cut that is?"


"Radius of the true planets."



"More broadly speaking, the scenario I'm imagining is something like - say the angel cultists decide that they want to make their own station, for themselves and the angels, and one day one of the angels asks to go to Brazil, and they take them there. And this gets the cultists - shot or captured or whatever, I don't know how you handle humans who break the law on this scale, but then you have an angel who's asking to go back to the cultists' station rather than to Ganymede. Hopefully that would just go smoothly but I'm not sure we can trust the angel cultists to cooperate with that - I'd imagine the worst-case scenario would be something like them attacking whoever is bringing the angel back? I suppose if it's a fairy taking them that's not much of a problem but it seems like something to think about. I do think it's reasonable to say that they have to check whether the daeva can be safely brought to where they want to go but they don't have to try if they can't do it safely, including if this happens twice and the first time the angel cultists lie about letting them return the angel."


"Sure. That's all policy stuff, though, the binding just needs to cover what the daeva subject to it can do while they're in various places."


"All right. How does this affect things if they go to another realm?"


"Well, those are various places, aren't they. We can relax things for when they're in a daeva realm and nobody can get hurt, though I imagine at least fairies still don't look kindly on property damage - oh, or Limboites, those too."


"Mmhmm. Can the demons' gags come off if they're in hell? I think that would answer my concern there, everyone else can ask to go wherever they like."


"I think that's technically possible, yes."

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