Raafi in Revelation
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"I think the grid fairies lead fairly normal lives; we don't have escort laws or anything. They can apply for citizenship and I believe they most often do so, I know some long term angels have citizenship too."


"All right. Nothing else is really coming to mind to ask about, unfortunately."


"Do you have any thoughts about the negotiation metaproblem?"


He thinks about it for a few seconds. "Okay. So, my understanding of the problem is that there are a lot of things that you can technically do, but they're - so disruptive that they wouldn't be worth it, or things that you would have to betray an important trust or break an oath to do, or otherwise involve very complicated and costly tradeoffs, and you're concerned that I'm going to demand something like that of you. I can't promise that I won't, unfortunately, but we don't have to stop at the first viable idea we have; as long as none of the daeva are confined, we can keep going as long as you'd like. And the truth spell could still help, if you're open to the idea; I can ask about the options I'm letting you decline to take being as bad as you've told me they are."


"It's that 'as long as none of the daeva are confined' part that's the sticking point. As long as they're not confined, we're under a lot of pressure to get them legibly and verifiably prevented from doing further harm, and ignoring all that pressure is exactly the sort of thing I'd normally call too costly to do. We're also under pressure to get them punished for what they did but that's comparatively easy to cope with, it's the fact that all it would take is one fringe or even just unlucky run of the mill summoner to have them at large in Revelation again that's really making everyone go crazy."


"I can't leave it open-ended like that if they are confined, unfortunately. I do think - your summoner escort idea works much better as a short term solution than a permanent one - do you have an idea of how long the spell will take to develop?"

    "It could be as soon as six months, if nothing goes wrong in the meantime. More likely about a year."


"I confess I'm not clear on what the spell referred to will do exactly."


"It will make a daeva unsummonable until it's removed - we can get a high-tier cleric in to cast it so that no-one of a lower tier can remove it."


"Okay. Uh, thinking ahead a bit - we don't currently so much have state-level diplomatic relations with any daeva polities but if there's more transit between them and a lot of dead people turn out to have turned into daeva I could see that changing. What are you going to do if the daeva polities want to imprison these people?"


"I don't know enough about your afterlives to guess how that would go in a logistical sense. It does sometimes happen that a god will find a situation where they can't get what they need - usually younger and less powerful ones or ones more directly at odds with the powerful blue gods; I've never heard of it happening to Fharlanghn so I can't tell you how he'd react. They don't give up, as a rule. They can be fairly patient about it but they aren't always."


"I'm specifically imagining a scenario - though I have no reason to believe the space of bad outcomes is limited to this - wherein some daeva polity wants them summoned and bound, or wants even daeva who've never offended in Revelation summoned and bound by themselves subscribing to the GCP, and in order to push for this goes on strike."


"Well, hopefully we can find a gentler way to make it clear to them that Fharlanghn doesn't compromise on this."


"That's the ideal, as ever. Until we have the metaproblem figured out I'm going to be pretty preoccupied with the worst case scenarios that could result."


"Mm. Well, you'll have more resources by then, and more experience with this. And so will we."


"I hope your optimism is warranted. I wonder if we're coming at this from the wrong angle - the key element of the prison setup for daeva actually isn't restrictions on their freedom of movement, and though certainly no one wants the furniture angel knocking on their door that can be achieved with exile, which you've said is allowed. What if they were forcibly summoned but without any binding element that limited where they could travel apart from to exiling polities, and that with a clause for the summoner to authorize them to go there if the exile is ever relaxed, and then you could bring them to whatever world by a non-dismissal method? The rest of the binding could be load-bearing."


"I'd want to check the binding over for general humaneness, maybe talk to some other daeva about it, but that sounds like it'd work fine."


"What kind of humaneness concerns do you have in mind?"


"I don't know anything about what daeva need, day to day, to get by in their realms, and I'm not sure anyone here does, either; I'd want to look into that. Gagging the demons in particular seems inappropriate if I'm just bringing them back to hell."


"Maybe they can do some kind of conditional gag, I don't know enough about summoning," says Leonor. "Does it seem like a fruitful angle?"


"It definitely works for this purpose, yes. Other gods will care more about the humaneness angle but I don't know of any that have an existing policy against something like that."

    "We'll want it looked into, yes."


"I think Ganymede was always subject to the same rules on prison humaneness that apply to humans, so we'll have other problems if that's not sufficient, probably."


"There's a point at which if they're made unable to function in their own realm they don't meaningfully have the option to go there, but if they'd have general freedom of movement here and the option to stay in humane conditions on Ganymede that sounds unobjectionable across the board, yes."

Zanel nods agreement.


"Now, I understand some of them are currently not summonable, how does that work? If they later by some other means travel, what will their binding situation be?"


"They're technically still on their original summons, with their bindings snapped."


"Okay. So the GCP summoners can dismiss them, and then they could be resummoned under the new setup, if everyone pertinent agrees to this?"

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