Raafi in Revelation
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"That makes sense. Uh, trying to stay ahead of the really hard stuff here, is Lastai going to be insisting on anything in Revelation the way Fharlanghn did?"


"I don't think so. She's not a powerful enough god to get away with something like that anyway, but it looks like you're doing really well at the things she cares about."


"Okay, I think that's enough to do my job if it comes up unexpectedly but we should talk if you want to make any public facing moves."


She nods. "I'm not sure how public is public - Raafi found a prostitutes' organization here a while ago and offered to do emergency healing for them if they ever need it, and I might see if we can offer something a bit more regular than that? One of Pelor's clerics and I were talking about maybe sharing one of their future temples? I'm not sure we'll actually do that, our churches historically haven't gotten along very well, but maybe Pelor and Lastai have worked something out, I don't know."


"That'd be public but not publicized, I'd say. Maybe get my help to write an overture to the organization. Assuming you're in on the same budget that's hiring my team right now."


She talks to Raafi about it for a minute. "He'll be covering us too, but he needs to know how much we're costing, we'll be handling it differently on our side."


"You'd need to talk to Skip about that. Differently how?"


"Does it matter?"


"Not if it doesn't affect how we get paid, I suppose."


"Raafi'll probably be willing to keep handling the finances if you don't want to be paid by us directly."


"If you pay separately from Pelor and company then we handle conflicts of interest differently."


"-ah. Tell me more about that?"


"If you're on the same budget, then we have to treat it like you're one entity and anything that crops up between you like infighting and if you split over it we refer whoever's not controlling the finances to another company. If you're separate clients you can if necessary have separate teams within the company and we'd coordinate with them to keep ugly fights out of the press but each could otherwise represent their client without worrying that much about the other church."


"We'll want the latter," she answers immediately. "We're generally pretty good at handling conflicts between churches, but part of that is that we don't try to work too closely together as a default, just when there's something that makes sense to do together. That doesn't matter very much right now, there's not much I can do on my own anyway, but I'm sure it will once there are more of us here."


"Okay, I'll see what other teams want to be looped in on background but you can share Skip's for now since we're already up to speed."


"Thank you. I expect Raafi's going to want Fharlanghn's things handled separately, too-" she explains it to him, and he nods. "Eventually, yes. Once there's someone else here to take the lead on it."


"Whew, might be time for a hiring round. All right."


She nods. "Most churches are going to want that, if it's necessary for working here. We'll share with Chaav's, if they set up here, but that's a special case, he's Lastai's brother. God of joy."


"Most organizations don't have to retain a PR firm at all times but most organizations are working with less of a cultural barrier."


"Yeah. Is there anything we could be doing to take some of the burden off of you, there?"


"I think it'd be making my job a lot easier if people were quicker adopters of the Internet. They're coping all right with having email addresses but they're not used to using the internet to look things up."


"I'm not entirely sure what the internet is, actually. Is there somewhere we could go to learn about it?"


"The Internet is how you avoid having to go places to learn about things. Someone might start beginners' classes when there's more of you guys, or maybe there's classes for... ex-Mennonites? Or something? But everybody here who isn't in a repressive cultural enclave is on the internet practically from birth."


"-wow. Okay. That sounds like we need to hire someone, instead of waiting for someone to realize it needs to be done and decide to do it."


"That might be a good idea. I'll get someone to try to find you a tutor, it's out of my area."

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