Raafi in Revelation
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"Well, welcome to Earth. Or, uh, what are they calling it, Revelation. I grew up without the Internet myself but you're gonna love it."


"I suppose we have a lot to learn, then."


"It's usually a few sessions - introduction to the device you're learning on itself, email and messaging, search and filtration, safety, basic apps and sites, shopping and banking, games and entertainment, underlying mechanics, and a couple freeform sessions for whatever other topics interest the class. Are you going to want the whole course or a cut down version?"


    "We might not all want all of it, but at least some of us should take the whole course, it seems like."

"Raafi and I want the whole thing," Kat adds.


"Then we can do the whole thing, and people can drift in and out as necessary. Any guesses on what the freeform stuff might wind up being about at this early stage?"


    "I don't think we know enough to say."

"Context, at least some of it. What it means to have this stuff, this way."


"What do you mean?"


"It doesn't do much good to have all the pieces if we don't know what they're supposed to come together to make, if that makes any more sense. We're used to being able to get by just fine without the internet; we don't just need to know how to do it, we need to know why, what situations we should remember to use it for."


"That makes sense. I'll start putting together the pieces of a lesson on that."


"Good, thanks."


"What time frame works for you guys?"


"We'll need to discuss it - what size of class are you comfortable with?"


"I usually do five to fifteen at a time but I've done thirty - couple big related families all left in one go."


"The smaller size will be fine. It'll be most convenient for us to have a morning and an afternoon class available - they can be done in sequence, we're not in a hurry, I don't think."


"All right, two sessions a day of the same material? Every day?"


He turns to scan the group, getting a few nods and a few dubious faces. "Some of our busier colleagues won't be able to come that often, but we'll already be splitting into groups, the first set of classes can be daily and some of the later ones can be slower. Every two or three days, perhaps."


"Okay! I'm familiar with the cultural needs of our usual folks but if there's anything to be sensitive of for you guys now's a good moment to let me know."


"I'd like to speak to you about that more privately, actually."

    "I don't think we have anything like that."


"Okay. Is now a good time?" Matt asks Katrianne.


"If you're done with everything else," she nods.


"I'll hang out here for a bit after in case anyone thinks of a question but I think so, yep."


"Okay." She gets Len to show them to an office; Raafi tags along.

"So, I don't know very much about what religion is like here, and in particular I don't know what the one you're used to dealing with is like, but if you're used to people who've just left one, that might mean there's some pitfalls you might run into here, especially working with clerics; we take our devotions seriously."


"...religious people here take their devotions seriously too. I just work with people who grew up not using the Internet because they were taught it was worldly or sinful."


"All right. It might not come up at all, I just wanted to make sure you knew what you were working with." She pauses to consider. "I think if I try to give you any practical advice it's going to be a while before I stop, I don't know enough about what's been going on to narrow it down. I do think there's likely to be some kind of culture clash - Pelor's church is the biggest one in our world, I doubt they've ever dealt with someone who hasn't at least heard of them before, and I'll be surprised if they're handling that as well as they should be. I don't know any more about this world than they do but I'm at least familiar with that situation, if you run into it and need someone to help sort them out."


"I mean, it'll be different having a class who are still members of their religion, I get that, I'm just not sure 'taking it seriously' is the difference?"

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