...very unseasonable rains can be seen in the distance from the shores of Acapulco.
The Brockton Bay Protectorate starts organizing volunteers to be transported or teletransported in batches to it. Heroes, rogues, villains, anyone's assistance is appreciated. A rendez-vous point is set for non-Protectorate capes wishing to volunteer, and Protectorate capes are informed of the situation via communication devices.
"Oh, love, that question I can't promise to answer even tomorrow. I'm just really really weird. Would a normal person have emojis on their face?"
"Conjuration of things, some limits that shrink with time and practice; changing how things behave, also has limits that shrink with time and practice. This suit and this mask are both conjured. Look, I can make a floating golf ball." And one appears, in a self-fulfilling prophecy. "Stuff I neglect disappears after about thirty minutes unless I pay attention to it again."
"Neither," says Lorica.
"I heard both," remarks Miss Militia, leaning around Drupe to furrow her brow at the conversation.
Armsmaster glances at them then resumes his conversation with Miracle Max.
Dauntless glares at Boots, but given that Chevalier's got it handled, he furrows his brows at Glam. He seems to be having trouble formulating something he wants to ask.
Glam decides to guess: "I'll have to talk to Ms. Yates about it again tomorrow, and I'm actually pretty hard to really offend, though being misgendered annoys me a bit."
Dauntless looks somewhat uncertain but eventually nods.
"It means talking about me as if I were a gender I'm not. For example, if I were to talk to someone about you and said 'I like Boots, she's nice,' that would be misgendering you."
"Maybe," Glam agrees. "And while I won't kick anyone's face in, that's more-or-less how I feel when people talk about me as if I were a boy or as if I were a girl, most of the time."
Dauntless looks interested. "You have a Changer power, too?" Armsmaster is half-paying attention to the conversation as well, now.
"Mmmmore or less. It's really the same underlying thing, altering the way something behaves—or looks."
"Mmmmnnno, that doesn't need much testing. Of course, you could prove me wrong." Two can play this game.