...very unseasonable rains can be seen in the distance from the shores of Acapulco.
The Brockton Bay Protectorate starts organizing volunteers to be transported or teletransported in batches to it. Heroes, rogues, villains, anyone's assistance is appreciated. A rendez-vous point is set for non-Protectorate capes wishing to volunteer, and Protectorate capes are informed of the situation via communication devices.
"They might be useful backup. It's not like you're bearing materials cost for them. But yes, you are slightly telekinetic."
"I wonder if I can be telekinetic at stuff I didn't create. The way I convinced myself I could be at mine was that, well, if I can create stuff wherever, I should be able to keep it wherever."
"You, uh, can be telekinetic at stuff you didn't create, or what did you think you were doing with the golf balls?"
"...well I mean I suppose that's one way to look at it. I wonder if I can be more overtly telekinetic at the golf balls?"
He fails and is now rubbing his nose. "Ow." His copy laughs and he glares at himself.
It slips from copy's hand in a totally believably accidental way.
"...that is not what I meant," original says, raising an eyebrow at the golf ball on the floor.
"Yeah, that's not what I had in mind either." A bot fetches Lorica the ball and she tosses it in her hand. "Come on, let's try this again."
This one will go over his shoulder, if he doesn't... say... expect her to clonk him in the forehead again.
"Fun fact: in kit I can aim almost as well as one of the robots. And that time I was gonna miss."
"Would you stop."
"No! If I'm laughing there's a part of you that's laughing at this, I'm pretty sure. Also you're not doing it right."
Grumble grumble. "Maybe I should try just levitating a not-mine golf ball?"
"It's even easier to fool yourself into thinking you're expecting the right things and you know it."
"You are the least helpful non sapient construct ever."
"Okay," says Lorica, "look, make me a golf ball." A robot fetches her a cardboard box she points at. Golf balls from other experiments clatter into it.
Lorica shuts the box and shakes up all the golf balls, then reaches in. "Maybe this one's yours, maybe it's not, think fast," she says, throwing the first one she touched at his head.
"Ow! Are you sure the best way to get me to expect a ball not to hit me in the forehead is relying on my instinctive reactions about how balls are supposed to work?"
"Maybe not. I started to set up the throwing it over your shoulder thing but maybe it's not helping anymore. But we do already know you can affect how balls that robots are throwing to each other move, and I'm not sure where to go next from there besides throwing them at you."
"...well, my power's about subverbal, gut-level expectations. Most people automatically believe what they're told, but have basic instincts that override that, like approximately how physics is supposed to work. I'm pretty good at converting verbal beliefs into subverbal ones, but it's normally something more... intellectually involved? Like, talking myself into it and—I'm not sure how to describe it. Getting my brain to trust what I'm telling it, kinda."