...very unseasonable rains can be seen in the distance from the shores of Acapulco.
The Brockton Bay Protectorate starts organizing volunteers to be transported or teletransported in batches to it. Heroes, rogues, villains, anyone's assistance is appreciated. A rendez-vous point is set for non-Protectorate capes wishing to volunteer, and Protectorate capes are informed of the situation via communication devices.
"Okay. So. One of these golf balls is the one you made. You know you can move stuff you made. Slide Coke cans and float swordfish and foul up games of robot catch. Any of the balls could be yours, and you know that you can move stuff that isn't yours, too, a la robot catch."
"That is not an argument that applies to the non-me-made golf balls."
"But I can move stuff that isn't mine, a tiny bit. Why wouldn't I be able to move it more than a tiny bit?"
"Maybe physics just doesn't like it."
"...I am flying. Physics can go suck a cactus."
Copy turns to Lorica and says, "I have an idea." Four more balls appear floating beside the original one.
"We're both going to turn our backs to the balls," copy says while original glares at the first one. "Then you'll replace one of ours with a normal one. We won't know which. At worst, we'll be expecting one of the balls to fall, but we won't really know which."
Both of them turn their backs to the balls. Then both of them look over their shoulders. Balls still floating, okay. Now they're not looking.
Lorica plucks a ball out of the air and puts another ball where it was and lets it go.
"Maybe it'll take a while of getting used to lesser teekay to work up to it."
The other four golf balls are gone. "Well we can definitely keep up the telekinesis while we're not looking, anyway," copy says.
"So that's good. Let's see, what else can we check indoors..."
"Figuring out what counts as paying attention? Like it clearly isn't line of sight, as per Santuario's forcefield situation, but I'm not sure what it is."
"It's not just thinking about a thing, I've tested this, though maybe that was because of range."
"So... describe what you do and don't know about this part in more detail."
"If I think about it but I'm reasonably far away, it ceases to be."
"If I think about it and it's close by, it apparently does not."
"How do you time thirty minutes of not thinking about a thing, anyway?"
"Uh, I've had this power for a long time."
"Like ten years."
"Shit. Okay. Um. What counts as 'thinking about' the thing?"
"Having a conscious and noticed thought about the thing? I'm not sure, my main checks there were basically remembering the thing should exist and then going to it to check on whether it still does."
"What would happen if you made a ludicrously complicated Rube Goldberg machine so you couldn't remember all the parts, and then set it off?"
"We're actually wrong, aren't we?"
"Yes, we are. We just realized we don't need the thought of the thing we made to be all that conscious."
"Santuario's proving more informative than he's ever hoped, I'm sure."
"But subconsciously it was always there, I didn't expect the forcefield to wink out."
"Okay, so thirty minutes is if you don't interact with it at all over that time including mentally."