...very unseasonable rains can be seen in the distance from the shores of Acapulco.
The Brockton Bay Protectorate starts organizing volunteers to be transported or teletransported in batches to it. Heroes, rogues, villains, anyone's assistance is appreciated. A rendez-vous point is set for non-Protectorate capes wishing to volunteer, and Protectorate capes are informed of the situation via communication devices.
"And we weren't in his field of vision when he did that."
"I think 'attention' is the key here? Sorta like, knowing where a thing is or ought to be even if I'm not directly looking at it?"
"Maybe you could get a boost from, like, a map, or an HUD like mine."
"I meant within whatever it turns out your range is, but really? How far was the place you were looking at?"
"Well, far. I was using one of those websites that show a feed of random cameras and tried to make a can of Coke appear in Philadelphia. It was night and such, no one was really around, and I tried to make it appear in a couple more-or-less hidden places."
"Okay, so you can't reach Philly. But I can hook you up with camera feeds that go wherever you like, if it turns out you can work through cameras over shorter distances. I'll rig up something simple in time for our outdoorsy power testing session."
"...we could try something really short-range? Like, maybe just outside this room? No reason to try outdoorsy stuff if it turns out I can't do it through cameras at all or something."
"Yeah, okay, I'll send a bot down the hall and it can project what it sees in here?"
Out buzzes a bot through the cat door. The screen shows its view as it zooms down the hall into the break room.
A fourteen year old girl who's probably Windflower, looking pensively into a teacup. She looks up at the robot and says something, but the bot isn't transmitting audio. She looks back down after time for a reply to have been offered.
"The bot told her I was seeing if you work through cameras."
"She didn't ask, so probably, but don't make anything more startling than a Coke, please."
Nothing happens.
"Can you tell her the can of Coke will start sliding a bit and not to be startled? Mostly I just want her to believe that will happen."