...very unseasonable rains can be seen in the distance from the shores of Acapulco.
The Brockton Bay Protectorate starts organizing volunteers to be transported or teletransported in batches to it. Heroes, rogues, villains, anyone's assistance is appreciated. A rendez-vous point is set for non-Protectorate capes wishing to volunteer, and Protectorate capes are informed of the situation via communication devices.
"I mean, it's good that I don't just leave stuff lying around, I suppose."
"But conversely that could have interesting uses."
"Come on, in sheer utility terms your power is already stupidly good. On zero prep time you can self-duplicate an arbitrary number of times, control avatars in any shape you can convince yourself might be able to twitch, produce anything that doesn't need permanent presence, fake decent Tinker quality, fly, and do teekay. You're just shy of Triumvirate quality and I bet your power is more convenient for everyday."
"But this situation's pretty atypical in that there's only my expectations working at the moment. We don't have to also find a way to hack your brain into believing me since my power apparently doesn't care about what your brain thinks."
"I did have to explain to Windflower that I was going to nudge the can before I actually managed to do it."
"...hey is my Coke still there?"
It is not.
"My point is that you can record yourself doing stuff, alone with no one else to foul you up. You can put it on the internet and more people in the general population will have seen your powers working flawlessly."
They do not say anything.
"Come on, it's a good idea! You'll have to clear it with Branding but I can tell her I'll run all your videos through a bot, she doesn't have a problem with me."
"But we will not say anything more because our mind just went to places you consider weird."
"Except for: no, we are not talking about doing anything that Branding would care much about."
"...she might."
"Okay, granted, she might, but—"
"Let's shut up."
"Anyway yes it's a fantastic idea but I'm unclear on how to convince Yates without telling her about my power and especially if it turns out that she won't accept any configurations other than me being two people."
"What does the being two people or not question have to do with internet celebrity?"
"Well it'll only strengthen those particular aspects of my power and not my power in general."
"So the two of you have compatible tastes in Internet celebrity and start a series together," she shrugs.
"Though still nowhere near the extent of my power."
"But I guess after I graduate and go all Fusion Dance in public," and both of them touch the tip of their index fingers to mime it, "it'll be easy enough to convince people I can do anything."
"Yeah. 'I have been secretly these two entire Wards all along and that's not all folks'."
"Good. It'll draft a request to Piggot for whenever you're set up to establish a coherent set of personas."
"Are we not out of indoor things? What else can you think of?"
"No, we did."
"Yeah, technically not a test but—"
"Yeah, out of indoor things for now."