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in which karen teller saves expat fairy celegorm from zombies
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It takes a lot before he stops her. The debt feels like it has a little bit of a tug to it in addition to the visual bit, drawing them together.

"That's where it was before," he says a bit uncertainly.


Nodnod. She stops.

"You okay?"


"Yeah. Just - weird. I - I like the thing where debts are there for reasons. But this one is. Was."



Yeah. Much hug.


The hug creates a little more debt. Not a lot of it. 



"Does it, like - how does it decide which way debt goes for, like, hugs?"


"It tracks who initiated it and who it was for and what we're getting out of it, for a weird sort of 'getting out of it' that's not exactly just whether you like it. Right now I think it's mostly counting the fact that I wanted it, for - reassurance or something."


"Okay." Squeeze. "I - want you to be okay."


"I am. Just - it's like if I found out you were a superhero and could punch through walls and pick up cars?"


"I mean I can already turn invisible."


"Yes but that's not - scary even when you know it won't be directed at you. It's just cool."


"Yeah, I guess. You could probably find sinister applications for invisibility if you wanted to, though."


"Could you? You could cheat on tests, I guess, but that's not evil."


"Steal things? Assassinate people?"


"I guess maybe I forgot humans can do stuff like that if no one catches them."


"I guess the sense in which we cannot normally do these things is different than the sense in which fairies can't. I think - invisibility is kind of the same genre for humans, since it means you can do a bunch of bad stuff without getting in trouble for it, but I see how the debt thing would be a lot scarier given the givens."


"It'd terrify anyone else if you did it to them. You probably shouldn't. Or, like, you could use it to clear debt, that'd be terrifying but much less so."


"I am not really planning to ever use it again unless - something really weird happens. It's nice just being able to see stuff now."


"That makes sense. Probably you'll get more of a sense for what it counts, now that you can sense it, and that's always helpful."



"So... I guess we have a funeral to go to."


"Oh. Right."



...that feels like a weird not-very-reassuring place to leave things, though, so first she kisses him. Because he said that he would like it if she did that more.


He likes that. The debt moves his direction the very slightest bit. 


It is maybe kind of nice to be able to see that.

After this they can wake the kids and dress up in nice clothes and have hotel waffles for breakfast, and then she can drive them to the funeral. There are lots of people at the funeral, all dressed up in nice clothes and all talking, mostly quietly, about the deceased. Lots of people recognize her and give her hugs.

There's a service. A Protestant one, the whole rest of the family is Protestant, mostly Baptist or Non-denominational flavored. They have to sit quietly for - well, it's supposed to be a couple hours, but Zana is pretty much incapable of this, so at one point she ends up ducking out and letting her run around outside for a little bit.


He also ends up having to duck out because one of the speakers is saying things she doesn't believe. The church is in a nice forested area. It's pretty.

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