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in which karen teller saves expat fairy celegorm from zombies
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"Then we shall sing," announces one of the fairies who's not in her debt.




" - is using the spell somehow a worse idea than getting stuck in everyone's debt again, just - nod your head for 'go for it' - " she Whispers to Connor.




And everyone who was in her debt is now in her debt a lot.

"I don't think I would like that very much."


"Don't move and don't talk," he says loudly, "any of you," and then he tugs himself loose and walks over to Karen and Zana, a bit unsteadily.


The fairies don't move and don't talk. 


"Thank you. What now?"


"I don't - I - uh -

- we should ask if anyone knows whether I'll be able to slow down again once I'm not entangled with them - if not, we'll need them to slow me down -

- and you can tell them to transfer some of the debt their friends are in to cancel things out with the ones who you're still indebted to - you'll probably have to tell them that you just want to get unentangled and leave and that you won't keep doing this once you can leave - 

- I want my father or my brothers I don't know if I know how to get this all done without - something going wrong -"


Nodnod. Aaaaah.

"We want to leave this place. We will cancel your debts when we're gone. If anyone here knows whether my friend will slow back down once he's unentangled with you, they should tell us now."


"He's a fairy," someone says, after a pause. "He's meant to be fast, he won't slow back down. You can leave, though. If you aren't entangled you'll slow back down."


"Thank you. I am not leaving without him and that means you're going to need to figure out how to make him slow. How would you do that."


"You can slow people down at night. It takes the whole night but at the end of it they're slowed. It works even if they have entanglement."


"All right then. You're gonna do that for him."

To Connor, "How do we get you and my niece out of debt - "


"You can ask them to transfer my debts to you in exchange for forgiving that much of their debt to you. Same for her except I guess her debts will just disappear when they're transferred to you but I don't think that'd make it not work."


"Okay. If you people transfer his debts and my niece's debts to me, I'll forgive that much of your debt to me."


"That doesn't ...actually mean anything when you can increase the debts any time," someone points out.


"I guess this is true. I could promise not to? Breaking promises to fairies is, like, super dangerous, right?"


"Yes. - right now it might kill all of us so actually it'd be better if you didn't."


"Okay. I don't like you very much but I don't want you dead, or anything. I want you to work on helping us get home, and I want you to not have free reign to continue being very poor hosts to my friends."


"May we discuss this among ourselves?"


She looks at Connor.


"...probably fine? I'm not really an expert here, I'm sorry -"


Sigh. "Sorry. You can talk among yourselves."


There's some discussion. Eventually - "we would like you to state that you intend to leave us alone and never come back here once we've slowed down you and your child and your slave."


"Yep! I intend to leave you alone and never come back here once you've slowed down me and my niece and my slave."


"Then we'll transfer the debts. Someone will have to go get the crystal."

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