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in which karen teller saves expat fairy celegorm from zombies
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Zana thinks they should run WAY into this forest.


" you wanna, like, take a walk for a bit?"




So they can take a walk, mostly following Zana and calling after her every so often to make sure she hasn't run off too far.


And eventually - "Zana don't move -"


"That's a fairy ring over there. See the - actually it might be hard to see if you can't see paths - uh, if we go there, we'll speed up and be in the fairy world. But this isn't the one at home so I don't think you should go in ahead of us."


"Ohhh. Are we gonna go in?"


He glances at Karen. "We can, so long as you're with a grownup. I wouldn't want fairies to think you hadn't any grownups and needed them to take care of you."


"I have grownups!"


"...I guess if you think it's safe?"


"I dunno anything about this area but even if there are people around we can always just not talk to them. - don't tell them your name, Zana."


She scoops Zana up and heads over towards the fairy circle.


They've had some practice from their own fairy circle at stepping through at close to the same second. 



It's not empty. There's an elaborately dressed fairy sitting on a tree stump, beaming at them.


....she glances at Connor.



The fairy looks between him and Karen. "- hello," he says, apparently not quite sure which of them he should be speaking to. "This is the circle of the Court of the Eastern Lake. What's your court -"

"We haven't got one. It's kind of a long story."

"Perhaps you could come back with us for a meal and then tell it?"

Connor looks to Karen.


"...I guess it won't take a lot of time outside."


"That's right" the fairy says cheerfully. "So long as you're with me time'll be passing very slowly back where you came from. You'll have to have something to eat to be able to see the paths to our court and to count as properly with me, though. Do you like raspberries?"




Raspberries! Three of them.


"I don't actually know very much about how all this works, would this mean I have to get slowed down again the slow way? Because I don't have time for that right now, and I can't really afford it either -"

        "I'm really not an expert," the fairy says. "But even if it does work out that way, we can slow you down."

"Right, but like, when the funeral's over we're supposed to head back and if I have to get slowed down the slow way I won't be back until tomorrow morning.

       "Or you could stay fast. We could pay the girl for you, if you want that, and you wouldn't need to slow back down again."

"I don't want that."

       "You're missing out on a lot."

"So're you."

       The fairy sighs and turns to see if Karen and Zana have eaten their raspberries.


Not until Connor eats his.


"I think I probably shouldn't chance it," he says to Karen regretfully. "I wanna see a real fairy court but I don't want to be stuck fast right now. You could still go, if you want."


" - I mean I don't really wanna go without you, I only kind of know how this works."

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