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in which karen teller saves expat fairy celegorm from zombies
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She did get a room with two beds.

"Okay. Funeral's tomorrow morning, so we can't stay up super late, but we have a few hours. We can't watch TV. Obviously."


"There's a free pool."


"I didn't pack anybody's swimsuits?"


"packed everybody's."


"We should swim!!!"



"I guess we can swim."


So far, funerals seem great.


Swimming is mostly not a cruel and unusual punishment if you're allowed to wrap yourself in a towel whenever you're not in the water, and also if instead of being surrounded by a ton of other people you are mostly just hanging out with your niece and nephew and kind of arguably boyfriend person. Also wow her kind of arguably boyfriend person is very pretty.

Mostly she teaches Zana how to blow bubbles in the water and watches little Connor work on figuring out the diving board.


Swimming is great! It is too bad Karen is cold whenever she’s not in the water because she looks nice in her swimsuit. 

Fairies can hold their breath longer than humans and he hangs out underwater a lot.


Eventually she will declare it too late to continue swimming and herd everyone else back upstairs. She changes into her pajamas, then gets Zana changed into her pajamas and ready for bed, then tucks her into the same bed as little Connor, and then notes that there is one remaining bed and considers whether she has made some kind of tactical error. Possibly she can get in the same bed as her niblings later, when she herself is actually tired. She is not super tired yet.

"...did you wanna read something tonight? It won't wake them up, I can Whisper it."


“Yeah, that sounds good.”


She checks her suitcase and pulls out Ender's Game and - well, there isn't really any place to sit besides the other bed, so probably she'll have to sit there to read the first few chapters.


Ooh they can snuggle and read.


....yeah they can do that. She has a bunch of alarm bells in her head about this but most of them are attached to things that aren't true and would therefore be kind of silly to listen to, probably.

....she will just keep reading for maybe longer than is advisable, because she kind of feels like when she stops she has to stop doing this and get into the other bed.


He’s not watching the time. When she’s done he will pick a side of the bed instead of flopping kinda in the middle of it though.



...gah why are decisions hard. Everything was way easier when she knew what she was supposed to be trying to be like. 


"Um - would you prefer it if I slept in the other bed, or - "


“ Is there some reason I should want you to do that? I think your hair is probably dry by now.”


"Um, because sharing beds is - just - like - intimate, or whatever, and stuff- "


“- do you want me on the floor?”


"No! Just - if you wanna be alone I can fit into the other bed. It's not like Zana needs a lot of space. Just - wanted to ask. I guess."


“I don’t want to be alone. I like you. Karen.”


" - oh," she says, like this is some kind of new important insight, even though she is pretty sure she has had this exact insight at least, like, three or four times by now and just keeps forgetting it for some reason. "I guess that's - okay, then."

She is blushing kind of a lot but she does get under the covers of this bed.


"We're even now! If I didn't like you I could just go be a fairy early or something!"


"Well, yeah, but - I dunno, 'I like hanging out in your house and learning about humans' is different than - other possible kinds of liking people - "


"I like sharing a bed with you. I liked it when you would have me kiss you."

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