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in which karen teller saves expat fairy celegorm from zombies
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"Cool! - right? There's nothing sinister about that."


"Yeah. I guess. It's - definitely a step up."




She heads outside and walks into the forest and focuses on, uh, trying not to be able to see herself.


This goes quite quickly.


...can she undo the effect now and make herself visible again?


Oh good! 

She's not really sure what this says about her, but invisibility is clearly more powerful than her other spells, and it's awesome, so she's glad she waited. For several reasons.

She heads back home to show Connor. (Or, well, "show". Possibly she can make objects look like they're floating or something.)


She can do that! He's impressed. "Wow! Maybe it's just always worth waiting for the third spell or something."


"Maybe! It's definitely way more powerful than the others but I'm not sure whether that's because I waited or if the spells just keep going up in power or what."


"Well, it's really neat."


"'m glad you think so."


"And hopefully it has learned its lesson."



School starts up again. She is pretty immediately overwhelmed, between her jobs and school and homework and her after-school activities (two of them, this time, journalism club and drama), but the fairy ring remains super useful for giving her more time, and her grades start high and stay there.


Is she still kinda weirdly avoidant for no reason.


....not as much? She hasn't asked to kiss him since she gave him the book, but she is mostly back to talking to him a normal amount, apart from being out of the house more now because of school stuff.


Well that's probably fine. 


Stupid book.


She has kind of mixed feelings about the book and kind of mixed feelings about herself at this point.


In mid-September she gets a call that her grandmother has died. Heart attack, apparently. The whole family's getting together for the funeral. She writes herself a note and helps Azalea call little Connor's principle to get him excused from school for a couple days.

"Up to you whether you want to come or not. Might be easier with a second person who's in the know to watch the kids, but - obviously funerals for people you don't know are not most people's idea of a good time."


“Why not?”


"Uh, well, you sit in a room with a bunch of very sad people and a bunch more people who are only kind of sad or not sad at all but trying to appear somber to fit the occasion, and everyone wears nice but dark clothes and talks quietly about what they remember of the person, and there is a service, and a bunch of people give speeches about the person, and - I expect it would be kind of boring but maybe it would be good for, I dunno, learning how humans deal with death, or something?"


“It sounds kinda interesting.”


"Okay. Well. I don't think it'd be very conspicuous if you wanted to come sit through it. The whole extended family's gonna be there and I don't think anyone knows everyone in the whole extended family."


“Cool! You should probably drive, I haven’t done highways yet.”


"Yeah, I can do that."

It's six hours of driving. She checks them into a hotel with Azalea's credit card. One room, because two is expensive, so they'll just have to live with the awkward.



He seems entirely unaware this is awkward and flops on the bed. 

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