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in which karen teller saves expat fairy celegorm from zombies
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"Well, yeah, probably, but - I would like not to get anybody so mad at us that they stop thinking about what's smart. Or think a lot harder than us."


"Yeah. That's - smart."


"I try. I guess."


"You're good at it."


"Well. Thank you."


"You did great too, Zana."


Hug? Zana would like a hug.


- yeah.


Lots of hug.

"Can we go home yet?"


"Not for a while, Zana. We're gonna get home, but we're gonna be stuck here for - a while."


"A few months. you want a story?"


Then she can tuck Zana into the bed and tell her a nice long story, until she's asleep.


He will - wait and see what she thinks of the bed situation from there, actually, since he only has a vague guess what she'll want.



"Um, so, do you wanna share the bed or not, because - I know you did, but then, uh, stuff happened, so - "


" - the stuff that happened was that you saved us all from slavery? Like, bad slavery."


"Um. Yeah, I guess. Just - I would maybe feel kind of weird about some things if - I was in debt to you and a bunch of awful kidnapper fairies had just been constantly referring to me as your slave. I think."


"I am your slave."


" - I mean, I guess, but - not the kind who should have to - be ignored, or have worse things than me, or - not get to make decisions about stuff when you want to. I dunno. I just didn't like the way they said it. Maybe I didn't like the way they said anything. Like - the way kidnapping sounds a lot less awful when you're the one talking about it, maybe."


"I - yeah, maybe. But you'd be entirely within your rights to ignore me or not get me nice things, it's sweet how you don't but it's not - I wouldn't be mad if you did. It's all fair in the broader accounting even if it's not fair for a stretch, since that's kind of the point, me paying you back."


"I - don't want stuff to be like that. It's only any good having you if you like it."


"You're very good. But it's important to me to - expect much less than you're doing, so I don't feel mad or sad or betrayed or something if at some point you need to lean on it without worrying about all that."


"That - makes sense. But - I just, I want you to know that it's - more important that you're okay than that you're mine, right, because - it's not like how fairy slavery normally is, anymore, if I wanted to make you my slave forever without ever doing anything for you again then I could, and it's - I don't wanna be someone who would do that. And I don't want you to feel like it would be okay if I did."


"I promise I'll be very annoyed if you do that."

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