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"Yes. Max and Pyay go get mouse." He points out the window, down to the parking lot- and then realizes, crap, she'll probably think he means there'll be mice in the car. Do they even have cars, where she's from?

Whatever. He holds open the door to the stairwell.

She peers at the cars, then shrugs and goes down the stairs.


Max leads her outside to where his Volvo's parked, and opens the passenger-side door for her. He gestures for her to sit down.


She peers at the car. She is suspicious of the car. Eventually she sits in it.


He goes around and gets into the driver's seat, and then starts the engine. The car begins to back out of the parking space.


She is alarmed! But she calms down pretty quick, especially when she sees other cars moving on the road.

So she didn't know about cars, then. He gestures around at the vehicle and says "car".

They approach a large shopping plaza nearby. The Newark skyline is visible in the distance as they pull up in front of a large pet supply store.

She also didn't know about really tall buildings, apparently.

He's uncertain for a minute about what she's alarmed by- and then notices, and points to the distant city. "Skyscrapers."

He walks up to the automatic doors, signalling her to follow.
She follows along reasonably docilely.

The pet shop employee who greets them is kind of alarmed by the bag on her back.

"Is that a backpack with mice in it? What?"

"It's... a long story. That involves her being a wizard. She did some wizard stuff to the mice too much, or something, and a bunch died, and now she needs new mice to do wizard things to. D'you guys sell live feeder mice?"


"Are you off your meds?" the clerk asks.
He sighs.

"Yeah, I'm off my meds. I'm a crazy person. D'you have live feeder mice or not?"

He picks a rubber chew toy and a rawhide bone off the rack next to the counter, and hands them to Pyay with the accompanying shaking gesture.
Pyay takes them, and looks at them, and then puts them back, apparently disinterested in performing magic on them.

"I... yeah... how many do you need?"

He shoots her an annoyed look. "...Pyay, mice. How many mice? One, two, three, four...?"


Pyay peers into her cage. "Eight," she concludes.


"Eight," he tells the clerk. "Eight mice, for crazy wizard purposes."


"Yyyyyeah, I'll have that for you in just a second."

The guy runs off and comes back with a little plastic box with eight live white mice in it. "Eleven ninety-five."
Max hands over his credit card, and hands Pyay the box of mice.

"...Jerk." he mutters, when they're out of earshot. "Even if I was off some kind of meds... kids've got no respect."

When they are outside of the store, Pyay pauses to remove the dead mice from her cage. She then picks up very small pieces of grit from the ground near the decorative shrubbery outside the storefront, and puts down larger pieces of grit and smaller dead mice. She puts her new mice in with the remaining live ones from her initial supply. One of them immediately falls asleep. Holding the last of the new mice, she extends her hand in Max's direction. "You?" she asks politely.

Max watches the... what was it, mweelsrow, with interest. She can just... size? With the other things, he could have imagined... something changing color, something changing texture, something siphoning ATP... but those were bits of rock. The things-inside-rocks don't have anything in common with things-inside-mice...

But he's not especially shocked, which surprises him enough to make up for itself. He should be seeing this as a paradigm shift, a new wrinkle in his ideas about how her magic works, but... perhaps...

And then she offers him a mouse.

"Me? You can... mweelsrow my sleep to mouse?"


He's not sure whether... would it even be safe? Does swapping things rely on detailed knowledge of what the things are made of? If Earth human biology is different from Nloggy biology... could something go wrong?

Max can't think of how to ask those questions, and elects to have them answered directly.

"OK," he says, slowly. "Uh, OK means yes."

"Words, words," she mutters, and she touches his hand, and puts his tirendess in the mouse and then puts the mouse away to sleep it off.


...It's a bizarre feeling. It's not like drinking coffee- almost the opposite, and a lot faster. He doesn't feel more energized, mentally, but rather his whole body suddenly feels the way it does when he gets out of bed. He hadn't realized there was even a noticeable difference- the change, after all, is normally gradual. He jumps, and then moves around experimentally.

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