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Right. Well, here comes something she may not have: it's around six o'clock, it's Daylight Saving Time, and it's starting to get dark. She didn't understand "day" and "night", earlier... a matter of not needing a particular concept, with sleep abolished, or a physical reality?

He points at the sun, peeking through the clouds near the horizon. "Sun. Kweengow has sun?"

She flips through her notes, not seeming to care if they get a little drizzled on. "Kuigao has suns," she concludes, after a sufficient pause.

He winces at the notes getting wet- but judging by her reaction, wetness is a thing her mweelsrow or whatever can undo.

"Suns..." He doesn't know if she learned plurals, or if the S is some kind of mistake. He begins counting on his fingers. "Sun, sun, sun, sun? Not one sun? Two suns, three suns...?"

"Suns," she says. "Suns, suns." Shrug. "Not one sun."

That, uh...

For a moment, he thought, hm, maybe the reason they think it's flat and the reason they don't have day and night are the same, maybe their planet's spin is in sync with their orbit, like the moon, and so the world seems to "stop" at an icy boundary...

But, nope. Nothing so simple. Some kind of binary star system thing...? Or...

Oh, they're here. The Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies. Conklin Hall. That's... not really what they're looking for, is it? They might be able to point them in the right direction, at least. There's got to be some linguists around. More resources than a middle school, at any rate.

Automatic doors open.
Behold, a secretary-type.

"Can I help you?" the secretary-type inquires.

"I... yes. Do you have a directory of... I'm looking for someone here who's... I have someone here who doesn't speak English, but not- not Spanish or Portuguese- and we're looking for a... someone who studies linguistics, more generally. Are we in the wrong place?"


"Yeah, the linguists are two doors down." The secretary-type points. "I think on the third floor."

Oh, that's good.

He leads her up the stairs- and, in the spirit of language learning, points out "stairs" and "door" on the way up.

"Song- linguists study words. Study Nloggy, teach English."

Sohng - who has apparently quietly dried the damp notes on something when he wasn't looking - writes this down.

He notices. Song English, Pyay mweelsrow... they seem to switch off fairly frequently. He starts wondering how it works, in there, how they can be in sync yet maintain individual personalities.

...Insofar as they have individual personalities. Do they? He hasn't been trying to notice for very long. Song is maybe more relaxed and agreeable, Pyay maybe more focused and intense? He could just be seeing patterns where none exist.

There's a door marked "Linguistics Graduate Commons", two doors down from the stairs. He knocks.

Someone who's either a young professor or a very run-down grad student opens the door. "Hi?"

"Hi! I, uh... have someone here who speaks a language, that..."

It strikes him that "a language we don't know" is marginally less likely to be immediately captivating to linguistics researchers than "a physics we don't know" was to physicists. How to get a foot in the door...?

"She... let's just start with... I don't know where on Earth it's from, and, let's say I need help identifying it."

"Ooh. Okay, fun. Has she got any English?" she inquires. "Have you figured out anything about how it's structured, what sounds are in it...? Hey, Trevor, over here!"

"Uh, I haven't, analyzed it, no. I know a few words, but mainly I've been... just trying to teach her English, since I don't think there's anyone else around to speak... uh, she calls it 'Nloggy'. There's... I guess more oohs and ees-"

Trevor gets up from his seat, finishing off a glass of water. Short, round, pushes some of his too much hair out of his face.

"Yeah, yeah, I heard... look, just have her talk for a bit, I can probably get an idea of the language family and look it up from there."

Max looks at him skeptically. "Sure. Um. She hasn't said much in it since she realized no one else speaks it here, but... Song, you say Nloggy words?"
Sohng doesn't immediately think of anything to say, but then shrugs and starts talking, slowly and clearly.

The first linguist fumbles for a little tape recorder belatedly.

When Sohng stops talking and blinks at them:

"I have no idea what that was. No clue whatever. Agglutinating, maybe? I think she was doing vowel length?"
Trevor is flipping through a pair of books. "No, it was... I've got it, it sounded like... was it...?"

Max steps over and closes one of his books.

"Hey! The fu- the he- what are you doing?"

"You won't find it in there. Assuming those books are all about languages from Earth, anyway. My problem is that she's a magic wizard from another dimension."

Trevor wordlessly stares at him with disbelief and disgust, like he'd just thrown up on the carpet in front of him.

"Pull the other one," snorts Trevor's colleague. "Oh, I get it, it's a conlang, she memorized a few paragraphs of - or is it even, is it just gibberish? Where's the camera? You were hoping we'd say it was fucking Turkish and then you could point and laugh?"

Trever groans. "What she said. Get the fu- get out. We're not a da- dang joke."

Max grimaces. This was... really the outcome he should have expected. Should've led with the demonstration... he can salvage this.

"No, it's... god, that's what you'd think, right. Should've thought of that. Um..."

A convenience of doing this in a school: an abundance of miscellaneous office supplies. He grabs a black and red pen lying on a table, and hands them to Sohng. "Pyay- mweelsrow?"

She rolls her eyes. She takes the pens. They are now each other's colors.

He can imagine it might be tiresome to have to, say, do jumping jacks in front of everyone you meet in order to prove you're a wizard in the Land of People Who Can't Do Jumping Jacks, but he doesn't really have any other ideas for her.

Trevor gets up and snatches the pens from Pyay. He looks at them closely- they're his pens, he recognizes the logos, he knows that this pen ought not to be red, he says "What the shi- what the... how on earth?!", as might be expected.

"What'd she do?" asks Trevor's colleague Victoria. "Wh- how did she do that? What does mweelsrow mean?"

"Mweelsrow's magic. It's the magic thing she does. Which is why I said she's a wizard."

Trevor sputters something not quite words, approximately furious.

"The magic wizard part isn't your problem, I brought her to the physics department for that. That's... the other dimension thing, is why I'm here. Because nobody knows her language. So I can't just ask about the magic, which is frustrating."
"Okay, wow," says Victoria, and then, because that doesn't seem to suffice, "okay, wow. Okay. What do you already have on her language besides 'mweelsrow' - anything? What's her name?"

"Name Pyay," says Pyay, leaving the complexities to Max.
"There's also, uh... she's got two names. Two... people. According to what I could get from her, there's more than one person in the same body? She's Pyay right now, but the one that's good at English is named Song."

Trevor snorts, but isn't quite disbelieving. "Structure, grammar, what do you know about that? We need more to go on."

Max furrows his brow. "I'm not... I know some vocabulary, the language's name is Nloggy, mweelsrow's the magic, the world she's from might be named Kweengow, or that might be a region in it... she knows 'word' and 'means', though, so if you can teach her an English word, you can just ask her what the Nloggy equivalent is."
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