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Taliar in Evil Arda
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All right. Love you.

He gets dressed. He waits. Lothal, Lothal, where's he heard that name before... it's not a noble family, he knows that much.


After the appointment he says to her I can have Taliar here now.


I would appreciate that, thank you.


Come on in, darling.


Taliar comes in.

"Shadow-cloaked Nezhefena," he greets her, with a wry smile and a slight tilt of his head toward Maitimo; it's customary to touch one's soul when greeting someone for the first time, particularly another soulbearer, but Taliar doesn't have that option at the moment. "What's the news from home?"


"Dawn-shining Taliar. I'm honoured to meet you, of course," she says, touching her own soul for a moment. "The Emperor sends his regards, and asks what is taking you so long."


"Oh, I had to kill an evil god. It took a while. I'm fine, though. I swear it on my soul. Please don't tell my mother you saw Maitimo wearing it; I strongly prefer him not on fire."


She glances at Taliar's soul when he swears by it, and seems satisfied by what she sees there.

"I've always wondered, is it true she killed the Emperor when she found out he'd sent you south?"


"Not as far as I know, but I've never actually asked."

... Yeah, she caught Maitimo touching his soul, didn't she. He wonders how she's managing to be so calm about it. Well, her soul has a couple of clues for him - it says she's very much in control of her emotions. Still.


You heading home for a little while to reassure everybody, Taliar?


It seems like a good idea. I want to introduce you to my father personally, but he's going to make unnervingly accurate guesses about us and he doesn't keep things from my mother and she'll try to set you on fire and I'd understand if you'd rather skip that. On the other hand, you might find it amusing to watch me fight my own mother in your defense.


I don't mind being set on fire but I need to be back here by tomorrow, there is a great deal to do.


I will do my best to prevent you from being set on fire, he says. I love you and I don't want you hurt.

He asks Nezhefena, "Could you take us both to meet my parents and return us here in less than a day, reliably?"


"Yes, I can do that."


Lovely! He pulls Taliar towards him for a kiss and puts the soul back around his neck.


Taliar grins and kisses his boyfriend and gives him a hug, then turns back to Nezhefena.

"All right, let's go then, I guess."


"Very well. I apologize if the transit is disorienting. It will only last a few seconds."

And they are all three wrapped in shadow, and a few seconds of darkness and silence later, they are somewhere else.


Taliar, predictably, has a rockslide flashback. He arrives giggling and leaning on Maitimo.

Oh, hey, they're in the imperial palace. He's missed the imperial palace. He reaches out his senses. His parents are in the next room.


He hugs Taliar. Thank you, Shadow-cloaked Nezhefana.


She smiles. "Happy to help," she says and sends.


(That's Taliar's line. Taliar is famed for saying that. He's beginning to like Nezhefena.)

So. Ready to meet my parents? I think Father will like you. Eventually.


I am very much looking forward to it.


Taliar smiles and leads Maitimo into the next room.

He forgets to tell his parents about the public/private thought distinction.


When Taliar's mother sees him walk through the door, she looks at his soul first. It's practically bursting with glory. Then she sees that he's holding the tall stranger's hand, walking beside him very familiarly, and she guesses that Taliar must have found love, and she's pleased about it and very much looks forward to meeting the man who could put that smile on her son's face.


When Taliar's father sees him walk through the door...

The first thing he notices is the way Taliar orients himself around his beloved like a sunflower, like a compass. It radiates from his every movement, how much of himself he has invested in this person, how deeply he cares about them and how unwaveringly committed he is to them, how he has made them the center of his universe.

The second thing he notices is that Taliar is carrying a lot more emotional weight than he was last year. It's like the difference in his bearing before and after Atialemain, but a hundred times more so. He has been through some serious troubles, and emerged stronger from them, but he is not yet fully healed.

The third thing he notices is that Taliar is worried about what his parents are going to think of his new boyfriend. Taliar's smile is genuine, his love very real, there's no sign that he regrets anything about this relationship in the slightest, but he obviously thinks that something about it is going to worry Corino and - possibly provoke violence from Aeleva, yes, that's a hint of protectiveness in his bearing.


This man must be very troubled or very fragile, something in that area, to have needed so much from Taliar. And he must bring immense joy and fulfillment to Taliar's life, for Taliar to have given it to him without a hint of regret. Taliar has endured significant trauma for his beloved - some of it almost certainly at his beloved's own hand, or he wouldn't be worried about Aeleva losing her temper - and he seems to be perfectly okay with that. This is either a very good thing or a very bad one. Possibly both. The fact that Taliar's soul is doing so well is a very good sign, but Corino is not quite completely unworried yet.

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