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Taliar in Evil Arda
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Corino has a fascinating mind. And knows his son very well.


...Is my father guessing things again?


He is! It's impressive.


He does that. I'm glad I was right that you'd get along. He likes you, right?


He has noticed that it would be counterproductive to judge me. I am not sure he's thinking about it in terms of liking.


Taliar glances at his father.


Corino smiles. He can read their entire exchange in that glance, although he gets better fidelity on Taliar's half. (In particular, he guessed that Maitimo commented on Corino not judging him, but didn't guess that Maitimo glossed the reason as 'it would be counterproductive'.)

"Do you really need to ask?"

It's not quite as completely uncomplicated as 'he likes Maitimo', but he observes that Maitimo is very good for Taliar, and he can tell how much Taliar likes Maitimo, and both of those recommendations carry a lot of weight with him. He expects that as he gets to know Maitimo better he will like him and enjoy his company and be glad of his presence in this family on his own merits, not just for Taliar's sake. The delay isn't about any personal quality of Maitimo's, present or absent; it's just that sometimes Corino takes a little time to settle on what he thinks of someone, and he doesn't feel inclined to rush even when he can guess the result in advance.


So, it's-complicated-but-basically-yes.

"I missed you," he says. It's so good to see his parents again, his mother's protectiveness, his father's wisdom and insight.


"The conversations in this family get much harder to follow when half the participants can literally read minds," Aeleva remarks.


Taliar laughs. "Sorry, Mother. I was asking Da if he likes Maitimo yet. He said sort of."


Aeleva glances at Corino and sighs.


Which Corino mentally translates as, You're letting him read your mind, aren't you. Well, if he wants to know what I think of him, you may tell him.

And what Aeleva thinks of Maitimo is, approximately: she does not like him very much just now. It is going to take her a long time to look at him without seeing her own history with Nahira. She thinks she'll come around eventually, and she intends to be civil and nonthreatening and perhaps even friendly in the meantime, and she'll treat Maitimo as a member of the family where it counts - he can draw on the same well of Kazaryne support as any of the rest of them. But she is not rushing to let go of her suspicions. Her son is happy where he is, and when he says forever he very definitely means it, and Aeleva won't put herself in the way of that... but she's not quite completely ready to assume that Maitimo won't find a way to break Taliar's heart, intentionally or otherwise.

Also, on a somewhat more trivial point, it is completely incomprehensible to her how anyone could find virtue contemptible and simultaneously be fond of her son. (Corino thinks that it probably turns on the exact definition of 'virtue', but he doesn't know Maitimo well enough yet to guess the shape of the distinction.)


He bounces this to Taliar and extends his arms for a hug from his boyfriend. I am not Nahira - it's not the same -


Taliar hugs Maitimo tightly. You're not, it's not, I love you, you're not like her at all.


Corino can guess pretty easily what that exchange consisted of. For what it's worth, he agrees with Taliar.


I don't know how to explain the part that is confusing your mother - you want everyone to be happy, you don't want people to be virtuous separately from that, you don't feel obligated to do things because they're right or want to make other people feel that way or want to make them into people who do what you think is right, you just want them to be okay, you just want them to be happy...


Hugs. Well, that seems like a pretty good explanation to me.



"I'm sorry," says Aeleva.


Don't be. Kiss.


"All right."


Kiss. Hug.


...Corino finally figures out that subtle oddity he's been seeing in how Taliar holds himself around Maitimo. Soulbearers learn to be very aware of their souls whenever they hug or touch someone, because there's always the chance you'll have an accident. Taliar with Maitimo is... still taking care not to make accidental contact, but he's not nearly as guarded against it as he is with anyone else. So it's not just that Maitimo has ever touched Taliar's soul; it's something they do casually, and Taliar isn't afraid of it.


He threw it at me. When he learned what was really going on - he already understood me, he knew I couldn't change without - without trust -



Corino laughs. Yes, of course. Of course he did. Taliar is amazing.

And - he doesn't quite think it's his place to ask, yet, he doesn't know Maitimo well enough to know how comfortable he'd be with the question - but he wants Maitimo to know that he hopes very much Taliar has helped with those deep emotional needs of his. Maitimo is a part of the family now and Corino wants him to be okay.


"...I'm going to regret asking," says Aeleva, "but: threw what?"

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