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Taliar in Evil Arda
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"Your soul likes him," Kelora observes. "I think I understand what you're saying."


"The very next day, he offered to let me be safe from him. Spend the whole time just, not in his company, not in his reach, not in danger from him. He let me decide, and I thought about it, I thought about it for a while, I got him to touch my soul again so I'd know more about what it would be like, I asked him - what it'd be like, if he - because I didn't want to make guesses based on that conversation with Nahira - and he just, it made sense, what he wanted from me, needed from me, I understood him, I loved him... I said I'd stay. And I've never regretted it. It was, well, it was mostly no hardship, you know, I was still very profoundly in love with him and I had no trouble being affectionate... the first time we had a problem, it was because I'd had a Nahira dream."


Silent hugs. Very hugs.


"And... we talked through it, and it was okay? I knew what I'd signed on for, I wasn't going to tell him no, I was just - and he sent me his thoughts, so I'd see how he felt about it, and that helped a lot, he is so very blatantly not Nahira. I wasn't comfortable but I was okay. I felt extremely successful. And - if I tell you that he said sometimes he was tempted to reassure himself that I'd stay even if he hurt me by hurting me..."


"Did you issue a challenge on the spot, or did that come later?"


"Later. I said next time I had a Nahira dream he could spend a day deliberately making my life difficult and we'd see how well my commitment held up."


"I'm starting to get a sense of a trajectory here."


"You don't know the half of it."


"You were a bottomless well of hope and love and trust and kindness and strength," she says. "You drew freely from that inexhaustible supply and gave and gave and gave and never once demanded anything from him, and once he had enough room to breathe, he learned to properly appreciate you, and your soul started appreciating him in turn, and then I assume you defeated his evil god immediately."



"...yeah, okay, pretty much," he admits. "Been taking lessons from my father?"


"Did I sound very Corino just then?"


"Just a little."


"Well. As it happens, I was speaking from experience," she says. "You did something very similar for me, when we first met. I just - had different needs."


"Oh," he says. "Yeah. That's... yeah. I see what you mean."


Kelora sits in comfortable silence for a few seconds, then nudges his knee gently with hers.

"Well, go on then," she says. "Tell me everything about this relationship that you want someone to understand but can't tell your parents because it's embarrassingly intimate."


... Taliar splutters. "And telling you is better? Kelora..."


"What are friends for?" She pats his shoulder comfortingly. "I'm fine."


"I'm not sure you're sufficiently fine! There is some pretty awful stuff in that category!"


"All the more reason to tell someone about it. Taliar, I know you know this, but I grew up in Atialemain. You're not going to shock me."


"...I'm going to shock you."


"I await the proof," she says serenely.


Did she just challenge him to—

"You fight dirty, Kelora."


She just smiles.


Taliar sighs. "Okay, if you're sure. Where do I even start. Um. ... My soul gave him the power to make me feel like a stranger is touching it whenever he wants."


Kelora considers this information for a few seconds, and then says, "Did it give him this power because he was previously having strangers touch your soul?"

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