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Taliar in Evil Arda
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"Actual concern. I'm touched."


"He does care, in his way."


"His own, very special way."

Taliar is quiet for a moment.

"...Early on, the first day after my soul went down, when we were talking over whether I'd stay or not - Maitimo expressed some kind of insecurity, and I just, I put his hand on my soul because I needed to be as clear as possible that I loved him and would continue to love him. It felt... I can't even describe it. It was one of my try-me moments, and it was all determination and certainty and love, and on a soul-touching scale... I've made all my choices freely since then, but it was that moment that made some of those choices inevitable. I glossed it afterward as... committing to being undeterrable from loving him."


"Well," says Kelora. "You haven't regretted it, and I sincerely don't believe you ever will."


"You've never even met him, where are you getting this analysis?"


"I've met you, Taliar. And - he carved his name in your back and it glows blue. Specifically blue. If it was gold I wouldn't be sure, and if it was silver I'd be a little worried, but it's blue."


"Okay, I know my soul expresses its feelings through colour, but what are you seeing here?"


"Gold is generic; it would mean your soul approves of him but it wouldn't necessarily mean your soul is confident of him. Silver is... willpower, protection, it's a somewhat antagonistic colour. Blue is hope and peace and love, blue is optimism, blue is... if silver is when you need to make the world the way you want it to be, blue is when you can just stand there and be yourself and let the world fall into place around you."


"...Huh," says Taliar. "I see what you mean. I knew it felt like the right colour but I didn't know why."


"The categories aren't always that clear-cut but it's a definite trend. Pure blue is your soul saying it has no doubts about him at all."


"Sensible of it. I don't have any doubts about him either."


"I trust your soul's judgment. Yours too, but your soul makes for a very reliable second opinion."


"It protects itself from casual contact these days but he has an irrevocable exception to that. And the irrevocable ability to read my mind at any time from any distance. It works across the worlds, too, odds are he's listening to us right now, I keep forgetting to warn people about that."


"You half-mentioned it earlier. Hello, Maitimo."


I approve of your friend very much and am very glad you can now be in contact with people who understand you.


Love you forever.

"He says he approves of you very much," Taliar reports. "And he's glad I can talk to people who understand me now."


"I approve of him too, in case that wasn't already clear."


"Not that either of you needs my approval."


"Need, no. Appreciate, yes very much."


"Well, I look forward to meeting him in person one day and I hope he's not unhappy that I know so many details of your intimate relationship."


You can tell whoever you'd like.


"He says it's fine."


"And you were completely right that I really, really needed this conversation, and you are very wise and I should listen to you."


Hug. "Yes I am and yes you should."


"I admit it's a little weirder talking about it when I definitely know he's listening, though."

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