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Taliar in Evil Arda
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Here is their acceptably pretty local temporary housing. Here is a map of the continent. Here are paintings of assorted landscape features from assorted areas, so they know what it looks like in various places they might choose to settle. There are many flavours of landscape to choose from.


They pick something.


And their liaison can lead them there and acquire assorted building materials.


And they start building a very pretty city. The liaison will find them quiet and polite and quick to pick up Nuimena. They can sing the city into place, in large part.


Their liaison teaches them Nuimena and hangs around nearby and continues to be helpful.


Meanwhile in Beleriand: Hugs.


Yep! And transitioning the kingdom to peacetime.


Both those things.


And when he has the time to spare, he tells Taliar activate your healing aura, and tell your parents not to expect to hear from you for a couple months.


Well that's frightening in the best way.

He floods the room with golden light. He notifies his father. (His father tells him to have fun. He laughs.)

All yours, my love.





And he take Taliar's soul and puts it securely around his neck and under his shirt, where it won't drop out of contact.


Taliar's mind overflows with profound adoration, with trust, with the certainty that Maitimo is going to hurt him and it will be terrifying and wonderful and he will love him for it, he will love him forever. The soul-contact intimacy feels good and warm and safe. He is floating on love, drowning in it, it's so beautiful and perfect and right, he is so happy to give himself over to this. He surrenders completely, unreservedly, holding nothing back, not a single shred of doubt in his soul-amplified mind. Everything he is, his thoughts and feelings, his love, his trust, his body and his soul—Maitimo can have all of it, a gift freely given, to do with as he pleases.


Maitimo finds himself crying again - why does this keep happening, at least it mostly keeps happening when Taliar cannot notice - and he kisses him and then - why not, Taliar is not going to be lucid for two months and he was not planning to restrain himself to cuddles until then - 


Taliar, of course, doesn't notice. But it's unquestionably true that he consents. It's right there in his mind, love and trust and total willing surrender, on a soul-touching scale.


He kisses him and then gets back to work and toys with how many strangers he can build in his head.


He notices that.

It hurts it hurts it hurts so much, he can't take it, it's the worst thing in the world, it's—

—he loves Maitimo, he trusts Maitimo, Maitimo is doing this because he can take it, and that feeling of total surrender is still there, this is still something Taliar chose to give him, and it's terrifying and excruciating and unbearable and amazing, he loves Maitimo so much for trusting his strength like this, for appreciating him, he is going to be so very very rescued.


He cannot explain to people quite why he is glowing with delight. 


The worse it gets, the more intensely respected and appreciated Taliar feels. And the feeling of surrender stays with him. Through every change in the number of imaginary strangers touching his soul, every wrenching shift in his emotional landscape, for as long as Maitimo touches his soul it's still there, the knowledge that he is in this by choice, that he gave himself up to this freely and willingly.


Which is so much better than having forced him! He does not stop touching Taliar's soul, he peaks at eighty people he can hold in his head and then lets the numbers fall again.


As the numbers go down, it hurts less and less and less and it's still intolerable but he's increasingly relieved about it, until it's down to two or three and it honestly feels relaxing by comparison and that is utterly fucking ridiculous and he loves Maitimo so much and he is so glad they have the kind of relationship that can do these things to his head.


That is adorable. He wonders if by writing notes for them as he goes he can get to a hundred.


Looks like it! And Taliar definitely does not find this development relaxing!


Oh, good. He cannot imagine anything better than the ability to torture his boyfriend by imagining enough people in his head, in enough depth.


Taliar is... not exactly glad of this... but it's exhilarating in a way, feeling so absolutely incredibly intolerably awful, and getting through it, moment by timeless moment, knowing he yielded himself willingly to this, knowing - he doesn't really have a sense of time anymore, but, knowing it will last for a long time, knowing he is utterly at Maitimo's mercy, knowing that Maitimo will stop short of breaking him but not necessarily be any more merciful than that, and accepting that, loving that, loving Maitimo for the way he loves Taliar's pain...


He had not actually expected that he would spend the next two months utterly distracted, but here he is. He will stop short of breaking him. He will not be any more merciful than that. And he is not sure Taliar is someone you can break with pain anyway.

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