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Taliar in Evil Arda
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Love you too, darling, love you too...


He sighs contentedly. His body still kind of mostly doesn't work, and his senses actually aren't doing so great either, but he has most of his mind back, his memories are just a little blurred still, except for the enormous solid crystalline clarity of two months of soul-touching. And Maitimo is cuddling him. He is in a good place right now.

I can't believe you took notes for me, you're amazing, I love you so much.


You were so perfect, such a gift, so wholly and totally mine -


He remembers that first moment, the feeling of complete surrender.

I knew you were going to fuck me up and I knew I was going to love you for it and I was so right, he says. I'm a miracle. I'm your miracle.


I love you so much. I feel so fortunate - beyond fortunate - I cannot even describe what it means to me -


I'm so, so glad, my love. It makes me so happy to know I'm this good for you.

Oh, here's a memory from way back before the two months of soul-touching - do you remember when I said I hoped that someday your life would be better with me in it than if I'd never showed up, and you said it might be possible - well, I guess you were right -


So right. I had no idea. Oh Taliar, you can kill Valar and I trust you completely, I never imagined that would be possible -


He feels so intensely accomplished. This, being trusted and being worthy of that trust, making people's lives not just better than what they'd have had without him but better than they could ever have imagined having - this is what Taliar lives for, on a very deep level it's a fundamental part of what he is, and he loves Maitimo so so much and he is so so glad to have succeeded in giving him this.

Love you so much. Love you forever. Yours forever.

The ownership framing still isn't quite natural to him but there's starting to be a space for it in his mind now - it's that feeling from the start of the two-month soul-touching session, or from another one before that, it's making a gift of himself, it's love and trust and wanting to see what Maitimo will do with him and knowing that he'll never, ever regret it, it's the choice to cooperate taken to a drastic, exquisite extreme... when he says yours forever he means he will always have this feeling, that he'll keep giving himself to Maitimo like this again and again for all eternity because he loves it and loves him and it makes them both so happy.


Hugs. I told everyone not to expect you back for another couple days. Wanted to give you time, wanted to enjoy having you able to think again -


Yeah that was a good idea. It might take me a while before I can, like, move, on purpose. Love you.

Actually this is kind of an interesting state to be in - senses mostly working, motor control mostly not, mind fully operational - d'you think it would be fun to fuck me like this? Sort of halfway back from being totally absent on soul-touching... I think I'd like it, it's a whole new way to be helpless...


There are no languages in any dimension that would describe how much I adore you, he says. Yes. Yes, I'd like that - oh, Taliar -


He giggles. Giggling is mostly automatic and works fine.

I love you so much. I love all these new interests of mine and I love the way you react when I come up with another one. And I love being helpless for you, I love trusting you that much, I love how much you like it, and it's such a satisfying challenge to hold still when you torture me, and I'm going to love it this way too, I think in the back of my mind I've been wondering what it'd be like ever since that time on my first bad day when you had me while you held my soul... I love you, I trust you, I want you, I want this.


Sometimes I can't quite believe that you're real.


I'm right here, my love, right here and all yours.



And doing any better on motor control a few hours later?


Seems to be coming back gradually; when he tries he can move, but it's still slow and clumsy.

Once again I am right about everything, he says contentedly. That was glorious, Maitimo, you're glorious, we're glorious.

The lingering confusion of his senses lent a sort of dreamlike quality to it at first, which was interesting, and then as that faded - it turns out that not being able to move frees up a lot of his attention, lets him focus in a whole new way on the present moment and the universe of his senses, and having no control at all over what is going on with his body gives him this lovely shivery feeling that makes all the rest of it so much better, and in conclusion Taliar has the best ideas and everything is wonderful.


I love you so much, dear. 


I love you too.

Does he have enough motor control to snuggle his glorious boyfriend? Sort of, barely. He'll take it. Snuggle.


He can make up for the deficits in snuggling capacity. 



Taliar sighs happily and doesn't really manage to meaningfully kiss back but enjoys it very much anyway, even more now that he knows what it's like to - have I mentioned that was so good, because oh, my love, that was so good...


I shall have to find a more efficient way of reducing you to that state, I do not mean to wait that long to do it again.


He laughs. I agree wholeheartedly with your priorities. Hmm, what are the possible angles on it, I wonder... that time with the identity song had a pretty fucked-up recovery but I'm not sure I want to spend a day on identity-song soul-touching just to find out if it wrecks my ability to move for long enough afterward... are there other magic songs we can throw at the problem?


I am sure there are non-mind-altering magic songs that do that, I can look for one.


Love you. I look forward to it.


Of course you do. You are absurd.

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