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Taliar in Evil Arda
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"You're okay. You know you're okay. I know you're okay. Nothing you tell me is going to change that. You have a wonderful, amazing boyfriend who kindles your body and soul, and you have every right to be happy with him for the rest of eternity. It's your choice and you made it freely."


"Is that your way of saying you're done listening to awful stuff about Maitimo?"


"No, do go on if there's more to say, I'm starting to be genuinely curious."


"If I try to tell you everything everything we're going to be here all week - oh, right, rescuing - okay so, on my second bad day I discovered that Maitimo can scare away my nightmares, I didn't actually think of Nahira hardly at all the entire day because we had such a good time that morning. Then much later I had a Nahira dream that ended in a dream-Maitimo killing her and carrying me off and, well, scaring her out of me, only in the dream I only half knew who he was so I was in fact a little too scared - I liked it fine after I woke up, though - and now 'rescuing' sort of means, um, 'torturing me until other awful things I have been through seem tame by comparison'. But it works, and I like it? The entire time since I killed his evil god has actually been pretty much one long rescue, we'd been saying we should see if overexposure to daffodils would dull the effect, but it would've been strategically unwise to do it while there was still an evil god on the loose, and now there is not, and he says he's going to hurt me until I forget her name."


"...You realize that's not going to work, right? Oh, I'm sure the rescuing part works fine, but the name part had better be rhetorical."


"Until I forget her name or beg him to stop," Taliar amends.


"I am going to remember this conversation, and in a year I am going to ask you how the rescue is going, and when you tell me that it's been very effective on all counts except that neither of those things has happened, I am going to laugh at you."


"...that's fair."


"The other possible outcome of course being that your boyfriend turns out to be more sensible than you and therefore actually capable of revising his goals when the initial set turn out to be impossible to achieve."


"Hey, I have an amazing track record in achieving the impossible."


"Yes, which I'm sure is both effect and cause of your outrageous stubbornness."


He giggles and leans comfortably on her. "I love you, Kelora."


"I know you do," she says.


"...You weren't worried I'd be jealous, were you?"


"No! ...Not consciously? But maybe a little. I'm - it seems unfair to point this out but I'm so much more in love with him..."


"I'm not keeping score. I am comfortable with my place in your heart."


"Okay." Hug.


"...I know you told your parents and I can guess what they thought - did Aeleva get as far as scorching him - "


"I said 'I'll resurrect him first and you afterward' and she cooled off."


" - ha, I'll bet you did - but how are you going to handle Fariol?"


"By making Father do it, like a coward."


"Sounds like a perfectly strategic move to me."


"Well, you see, there's no such thing as impossible when Dawn-shining Taliar is on the job. So if I think somebody else can do it where I can't..."


"...then you're probably right and by asking them to do it for you you are succeeding."


"Okay, you got me." Hug. "Missed you."


"I missed you too. So did Grandfather; he wouldn't admit you might be dead, just laughed it off anytime someone brought up the possibility. He turned out to be right, of course, but... if he hadn't been worried, he would've engaged more seriously with the idea."

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