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Taliar in Evil Arda
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It turns out he would, how did Taliar ever guess.


He knows his boyfriend very well, that is how.


His boyfriend will continue rescuing him.


He feels so loved and appreciated and taken care of.

His brilliant idea from last time worked very well. The flashbacks still happen, but they bother him noticeably less.


And perhaps eventually they will fade.


When he's done he puts Taliar's soul back around his neck, kisses him, and goes back to work.



And, some time later...

A shadow rises from the floor in front of his desk. It expands into the silhouette of a human girl, and then unwraps itself from around her, leaving her standing in the middle of the room, looking at Maitimo. She's maybe twenty years old, and wearing her soul around her neck, a glossy black teardrop touched by faint hints of blue and purple and grey. It's much subtler than Taliar's; all it says about her at first is that she is a person of deep courage, afraid of many things and comfortably in control of her fear.

She has never heard of the public/private thought distinction; her mind is completely open. When she looks at Maitimo she sees: this is a person who is accustomed to power, having it and using it. A lord or king or commander. And he is holding Dawn-shining Taliar's living soul in his hand.

For a brief instant she's too shocked to think. But she recovers her composure almost immediately; the only externally visible sign is a slight widening of her eyes. Her first thought is that the Emperor will be annoyed if she starts a war over this. She is sorry for the incomprehensible agony that Dawn-shining Taliar is likely experiencing at this moment, but it's more important to retrieve him peacefully than quickly; better to wait and find out more before acting. And he's Dawn-shining Taliar. He'll be all right eventually, she's sure.

So. "I am Shadow-cloaked Lothal Nezhefena," she says in Nuimena, touching her soul in greeting. "I am looking for Dawn-shining Kazaryne Taliar."


I do not speak your language, he says. He is safe and well; I can convey a message for you. 




If he can read her mind, she would take it as a significant gesture of goodwill if he would tell her so.

I am meant to convey a question to him and return with his answer. I do not think the Emperor will be impressed if I say I passed the message through the man holding Dawn-shining Taliar's soul.


Everyone here can read your mind. With practice it is straightforward to keep thoughts private - you just need to internally designate them as such - so it will occur to very few of them that they are invading your privacy in doing so. 


Did the Emperor send Taliar here?


As soon as he mentions internally designating thoughts as private, she touches her soul and thinks of shadows and all sense of her mind goes away.

He did not, she says. He has been looking for a way to retrieve him. I was the first soulbearer he found who he thought might be able to follow Taliar wherever he had vanished to and be safe from whatever I might find there. May I ask why you are holding Taliar's soul?


Are you asking if I have his leave or why I have his leave?


I had not considered that you might have his leave. Do you?


That seems unlikely. May I confirm it with him?


Well, he is not lucid at the moment. This evening, maybe. Thank you for coming by. I expect he will be relieved to have his loved ones notified that he is well.


She looks at the soul in his hand.

I am sure you can understand why I might not be entirely comfortable with waiting until the evening before I confirm that you are not torturing my world's most treasured soulbearer against his will, she says. Likewise, if you have heard anything at all about Linsi-kelen Aeleva, I am sure you can understand why I am not eager to notify her of anything I have learned since arriving here.


Can you take people with you on your interworld adventuring? I'll tell her.


But he puts Taliar's soul back around his neck so he is not in contact with it.


Thank you, she says when he stops touching Taliar's soul. I appreciate your willingness to accomodate my concerns. ...You would tell Linsi-kelen Aeleva that you touched her son's soul? To her face? And I thought I was courageous.


Shrug. If it went very badly Taliar could resurrect me. Welcome to Beleriand, incidentally. I am Nelyafinwë Maitimo, King of Endorë.


I am grateful for the welcome, and apologize for interrupting you. By the nature of my method of travel I could not send word ahead. If you prefer me to wait until evening before meeting Taliar, where do you prefer that I spend the intervening time?


I can ask someone to give you a tour of the gardens, but if you prefer to stay here watching Taliar's soul I have no objections. Anything to eat?


Given that choice, I think I will stay here, thank you. I am not hungry; I ate before I left, not expecting to be greeted so hospitably.


And he has his next appointment sent in, and they speak in Quenya, and once Taliar seems recovered he says to him Esarkan sent someone for you; I told them it might be a while, but if you are feeling all recovered you may interrupt me.


...I feel pretty recovered! What's their name? Where are you?


Shadow-cloaked Lothal Nezhefena, and in the conference room - do not actually interrupt me, but get dressed and you can slip in after this appointment.

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