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Taliar in Evil Arda
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Elves who've been to Valinor gradually fade away from the world once they leave it. Nasty side effect the Valar didn't tell us when we were considering whether to come. Silmarils fix it.


Oh. Bet my healing aura can really trivially branch to handle that, assuming it doesn't already, which it might. And I'd be throwing my healing aura all over Nuime regularly anyway.


Then they would not even need to occasionally come home.


I'm going to miss Findekáno.


Taliar hugs him. Will it be worth it, if in a few hundred or a few thousand years you can talk to each other without hurting each other?


I have sometimes been accused of excessive optimism, but from where I'm standing it seems like the best available chance.

And even if it doesn't work by itself, it seems like the best available foundation from which to start trying other things.


Probably. Alright, let's wait and see what powers you get.


Okay. Love you.

(And hey, Taliar's excessive optimism has a pretty good track record so far.)


Yep. No one would have guessed it was possible to give him enough he felt comfortable letting them have the option of leaving, and yet.


Taliar curls up and snuggles his boyfriend.

Want to see how the road's coming along? I can go look at it and show you.


So Taliar shows Maitimo the road. It curves gracefully along the shoreline, sheltered by sturdy stone walls, and periodically there's a gap in the walls with a cleverly designed wind-baffle so that people can go in and out of the covered road without snow blowing in after them. For lighting purposes, large sections of the walls and ceiling are made of transparent kinds of stone; he's experimenting with quartz and diamond, among others, and suspects he'll end up using different materials in different places. In some parts, he has refined the shape of the walls and ceiling so that snow won't pile up too heavily on top of them, but there are plenty of sections where he hasn't had a chance to do that yet.

It is very pretty, although the design aesthetic is not really based in any existing tradition. He is sort of reinventing architecture from first principles here.


I very much hope the Valar don't interfere. It's lovely.


I'm glad I did a good job. He returns his awareness to his body so he can snuggle Maitimo some more. Love you.


Love you. What were we doing - oh, right, we were torturing you. Kiss. 


Taliar laughs and kisses him. Yes. We were doing that. Love you forever.


I know you will! Name?


It is so good to be believed when he says that. He loves his beautiful terrifying boyfriend so much. He's scared but he's okay.



And he tells Taliar's soul that a stranger is touching it. 


And he is so alone and in so much pain and so helpless and violated and terrified, unable to think of anything other than the contact.


He touches it himself, too.


It's an intense relief. He loves Maitimo and trusts Maitimo and is terrified of Maitimo and he is so incredibly glad to be able to think about him again, even being afraid of him is welcome, it's good fear, it's safe fear, Maitimo is terrifying and Taliar loves him for it. Having thoughts of Maitimo to hold onto makes the feeling of anonymous soul contact almost bearable. Almost.


And if he imagines it up to three people, five, ten, twenty -


It is so much worse with more of them at once. He feels like he's going to come apart completely, lose hold of his identity and awareness and just stop being meaningfully a person, stop being anything other than a thing that experiences pain - but he never quite does, no matter how many imaginary strangers are holding his soul - he clings to the sense of Maitimo's presence, knowing that at any moment it could be taken away, terrified that if he loses that lifeline he'll be lost in the pain forever.

And he loves Maitimo, still, and trusts him, still.


And Maitimo stops being present, stops being part of the cacophony inside his head -

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