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Taliar in Evil Arda
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"Do I have leave to go, your grace."


"You're giving me kind of terrible incentives here because I want you to stop hating me and 'have enough power over you it's not safe for you to hate me' is the obvious avenue to do that and I can't think of any other ways to achieve it at all."


"Is that a no -"


"It's a request for a reason not to give you a no."


"You said you were sorry you hurt me."


"Leave. Don't come back."


He leaves. Taliar, he says he is not going to ask strangers to help him torture you anymore, care to comment?



It's true that he's not going to do that anymore. I continue to be fine and in this relationship of my own free will.


He does not comment further.


He comes back a minute later and collapses on the bed.


Taliar has deduced that the conversation is probably over, so he's back in his body, having left the road at a good stopping point; he snuggles up. Are you okay?






Cuddle. I'm sorry. I love you. Is there anything I can do to help?


He sends the conversation.


...Taliar hugs him some more.

Oh, my love...

He can't really blame Findekano for being the way he is, but he wishes there was some way for them all to avoid hurting each other like this. And he can't imagine how much it must have hurt Maitimo to hear 'I want you to never have existed' from someone he loves, and - why does this all have to be so complicated - he can't think of any way to fix it, except maybe 'arrange for Findekano not to need to have anything to do with either of them at all and wait a few centuries', and he doesn't know Findekano well enough to have a good guess about whether that would even work... he can hug his boyfriend, at least, that much is within his reach. Hugs. Many hugs.


That might work.


What oaths to you is he still under, do you think it'd help if I turned up a power to get rid of them, what are the chances it would lead to political disaster...


Not to try to overthrow the government, or help people who are trying to do that - 'obey just orders' but he asked me not to give him any and I haven't -


Okay. Getting rid of some or all of that would still be... a really, really strong way of communicating that we intend to leave him alone and want him to be okay... and it seems like he doesn't want a political disaster, but again, I don't know how good my read on him is. I could go looking for stray spirits and give up my resurrection powers and see what pops up, whether I get oath erasure or make-people-able-to-be-soulbearers or if my soul has a bright idea we haven't thought of...


Resurrecting his parents would also be a good way to signal good faith, albeit a potential political disaster.


Yeah. Ways to signal good faith to Findekano and potential political disasters seem to have high overlap. Well, can the political disaster be mitigated? Do you think they'd agree to being resurrected and immediately sent to Nuime where they can't be politically disastrous at you - or would that be insufficiently good-faith...


Findekáno and his siblings might want to go too, but that seems - good-faith -


Okay, let's see then. Assuming my soul cooperates by giving me all the right powers at the right times, I could go find Findekano, lift some or all of his oaths, and offer to resurrect his parents and maybe also whoever else they want resurrected who hasn't been yet, on the condition that they and whoever else wants to go with them all go live in Nuime afterward where they can't try to overthrow your government? Ideally I should consult Esarkan before dumping a bunch of Elves on him but if I don't get the chance for some reason he'll just roll his eyes at me and then deal with it fine. What am I missing?


They would need to visit Arda every few thousand years but I cannot imagine that will present a challenge. ...can continent-shaping branch out to do interworld portals or something?


I have absolutely no idea where I'd be getting the interworld portals from. Before trying this I think I'd want to wait three days and see what I turned up, and if I was missing some of the necessary set I'd try to figure out why and see if I could shift things around to get them. Oath erasure might be able to branch off of the healing aura... why would they need to visit Arda every few thousand years?

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