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Taliar in Evil Arda
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"Maitimo, I'd like you to meet my parents, Linsi-kelen Kazaryne Aeleva and Madai-almerind Nirahn Corino. Mother, Father, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Nelyafinwë Maitimo, whom I love with all my heart and will love forever." Pause. "Oh, and he's a king."


"Is he worth it?" asks Corino.


...yeah, so, there's no chance Father hasn't guessed everything.

"Yes," says Taliar. "Absolutely."


He smiles, relieved. There is no doubting that confirmation.

"Then I welcome you to our family, Nelyafinwë Maitimo, and I am very glad to meet you."


Likewise! I can read minds - all Elves can - and you can keep us out just by mentally constructing your thoughts as private - and pushing ones public if you would like to communicate them. Taliar ended a war for us, he should tell you all about it.


Corino raises his eyebrows at his son. Not telling your parents that your boyfriend can read minds seems like a significant omission.


"I forgot!" says Taliar. "I'm used to everyone knowing Elves can read minds!"


And meanwhile:

"...worth... what," says Aeleva slowly.


It's probably best to just get it over with.

"Oh, you know," Taliar says lightly, "rape, torture, thirty hours under a rockslide."


She's not as miraculous about it as her husband, but Aeleva is reasonably good at guessing what's going through people's minds. She figures out pretty promptly that the rape and torture were at least substantially carried out by Maitimo himself.

A faint heat haze rises from her body. The chair she is sitting in begins to smoke. She manages to construct a privacy distinction, but the way she's looking at Maitimo makes her thoughts reasonably clear.


And Taliar steps in front of Maitimo.

"Mother," he says, "if you kill my boyfriend, I will resurrect him first, and you afterward."


...She gets control of her temper. The heat subsides.


Don't tell him he's been manipulated or should know better or doesn't really want this, he says, he has been told that and he finds it fairly frustrating.


"...Yes, I can imagine he would," says Aeleva, glancing at Taliar with a wry smile before returning her attention to Maitimo. "Well. I apologize for nearly setting you on fire. Welcome to the family."


And I apologize for not anticipating the rockslide. Taliar, darling, you really should tell them about the war.


... Taliar didn't know how much he needed this until he had it. To tell someone about his relationship with Maitimo, tell them the full truth, tell them he knows what he's doing and doesn't regret a thing, and have them just believe him about it

"I missed you so much," he says, and he runs to his parents and hugs them.


He sits down.


Corino hugs his son. He still hasn't put up a privacy distinction; he's content to let Maitimo read his mind for now. He's already guessed that Taliar probably shows Maitimo his whole mind as a matter of habit.

"What's this about a war?"


"So, in Maitimo's world they were having a problem with an evil god torturing people and generally misbehaving. I showed up and Maitimo told me about the evil god and I fell in love with him because he's brilliant and amazing and then, well, we had a few relationship problems to work out, and it set back the state of my soul for a while, but we found our balance eventually. This is nearly all him," he adds, tapping his beautifully glowing soul.

"And it came in all at once, so we had to hide it and wait out the powershift interval, but we were heading south to get me farther from the evil god's stronghold and the evil god dropped a mountainside on us. Maitimo died. I spent thirty hours continually healing from being continually crushed by rocks. Then my godslaying powerset came in and I killed the evil god and dug myself out of the rockslide and waited for resurrection so I could bring Maitimo back. Elves have spirits that persist after they die, they don't even fade like souls, resurrecting them is really easy."


(Corino can guess what those relationship problems might have been, and how they might have been solved. It does not surprise him in the slightest that Taliar was able to accomplish something like that. Taliar is the sort of person who'll pour himself into things to a degree far beyond what anyone else would consider sane or reasonable, and then end up getting similarly extraordinary results.)


Taliar is. 


"I hope you realize," Corino says to Maitimo, "that when my son says forever, he means it."

He thinks Maitimo probably knows, or at least has an inkling. But he feels that it is important to make sure. It would grieve him to see Taliar's commitment go unappreciated.


I am over three thousand years old, Maitimo says, and have a pretty good sense of that sort of thing.


That makes him the only person currently in this world who is older than Corino.

"Fair enough," he says.


"It's fine, Da, he knows. Trust me, he knows."

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