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Taliar in Evil Arda
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"Dissatisfied subjects under Esarkan generally don't resort to violence first thing, they, like, hold protests and write angry letters and make petitions at court, do yours not do those things or any near equivalent that would give you a chance to evaluate their suitability...?"

(Dissatisfied subjects under Esarkan have also been known to express their dissatisfaction through assassination attempts, which Taliar is comfortable filing under nonviolent protest since their target is famously incapable of dying.)


"Well, we have not actually dealt with anyone rebelling out of dissatisfaction, we've been dealing with people rebelling out of Sauron-exposure."


"In which case, well, there are a few ways things could turn out once there is no longer a Sauron for them to be exposed to... maybe that particular problem will go away on its own, maybe it won't but we'll be able to figure out how to solve it with diplomacy in some way. And maybe solving it with diplomacy will involve letting some people secede. I can guess how Esarkan might address the question of whether or not any given rebellion's leadership could make it on their own, but I'm not sure I should be taking my notes from Esarkan too closely on this, given that his response to assassination attempts is usually to levy a small fine and then hear out their or their employer's grievances more or less civilly..."


"If assassinated I actually die and you can't bring me back, as far as we know."



Although Taliar is absolutely certain he would figure it out eventually. Maitimo being dead is simply not an acceptable state of the world.

"So he can afford to be way more lenient with that sort of thing than you can, and that informs his approach to a lot of other stuff - the way he'd assess a rebel leader would probably involve going and talking to them personally, and he can do that, because he's All-enduring Esarkan."


"So we should invent magic for indestructibility."


"That would be really useful! If we got it to scale it'd patch the thing where people can still die of accidents in between my healing tours..."


"Yep, and even before we could scale it it'd have the stabilizing function it has in your empire."


"It is a really useful stabilizing function."

And he loves Maitimo so much and would be so upset if Maitimo got assassinated.


"And Mandos would not like me at all. It would really really be a terrible shame if I got reembodied straight."


"I will figure out how to fix nonconsensual mental tampering if that happens."


"I appreciate it. So, humans have children by accident, all the time, and this is stressful as it stands and will be more of a problem when everyone's immortal. I don't suppose you happen to have any suggestions?"


"At home there's solutions! They're not perfect but they help a whole lot! I have never been in a position to need any of them so I am unfortunately really really vague on the details! Like, I can get you as far as 'there's a plant', but I wouldn't be able to identify it."


"Priority for after the war, maybe."


"After the war I will go for interworld transportation and if nothing else you can import a bunch of the plant."


"Sounds good! Human populations will probably grow a lot faster than Elven ones even if they only have voluntary children -"


"Yes, that occurred to me."


"If you start running out of room once I've got interworld transportation going, I'll see about raising an extra continent in my world, we've got all this ocean going to waste."

A continent seems like about the right size of present to give to Maitimo. Thinking about it gives him lovely happy feelings.


Kiss. "I feel like that might do something unsafe to sea levels."


Kiss. "I'll be very careful! I can do smaller-scale experiments first, maybe some islands in a lake..."


"Well, who am I to dissuade you from giving me continents?"


"I love you and I want you to have nice things."


"Likewise. It's probably centuries before mortal population growth is a pressing problem, at least."


"Yeah, plenty of time to figure it out."

And in the meantime he is in Maitimo's lap and this is an excellent place to be.

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