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Taliar in Evil Arda
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"I don't think so - I would've gotten warning signs when I agreed that killing all the orcs and figuring out how to help them later was the best strategic choice... it might be something else we haven't thought of, but I'm not sure I want to ask Maitimo to list all of the moral choices he has made and see whether I agree with them or not, that sounds grueling for both of us and if mistakes count that way it could just as easily be something that didn't even look like a moral choice at the time... and I don't feel like mistakes count that way."

He reflects on this dilemma for a moment.

"Now I'm wondering if I should be coming up with complicated strategies to handle the case where he's secretly evil and hiding it really well... I guess they'd only even apply if he was secretly evil and really wanted to defeat the Enemy as fast as possible and was willing to give up being secretly evil for it... but if he was, and didn't want me to ever find out he'd been secretly evil, I definitely prefer 'help him arrange to stop being secretly evil without me finding out he was, then win the war next week' over not doing that..."


"I doubt that's a good use of your time, I've known him fifteen hundred years and it's really implausible he's hiding being secretly evil so well I have no idea, but how would you even do that if it were worth doing..."


"I don't know, that's why it was 'wondering if I should be coming up with complicated strategies' and not 'wondering if I should implement these complicated strategies I've already thought of'. Off the top of my head, though... I could come up with a list of things to try that might conceivably have some sort of effect on the problem, then ask Maitimo to set a not-necessarily-fully-practical schedule for trying them that relates to either his actual timeline for ceasing to be secretly evil, or his best guess at what that timeline might be if he needed one, depending. And then promise that if one of the things worked I wouldn't think too hard about why. I suppose this plan also rests heavily on Maitimo's willingness to cover for his hypothetical secretly evil alternate self in the name of getting the war won quicker."


"And assuming the hypothetical secretly evil one would know that he was evil, you said you can tell if he's telling the truth and he said he wasn't secretly evil, which implies that if he were he wouldn't even actually know what he was supposed to be changing -"


"So there'd need to be a patch for that - and we're back to 'go through all of his moral decisions' but this time presented as hypotheticals and with some actual hypotheticals thrown in to confuse the issue, although really I think with the amount of time he's spent looking at my soul - and reading all of my thoughts! - it should be pretty easy to guess what I'd think of any given moral decision... maybe you're the secretly evil one and he's knowingly sheltering you from the consequences of your actions, that might both qualify under 'the crime of keeping a boyfriend' and confuse my soul enough for it to go all no-comment on him, in which case I guess the test is to fall in love with you and see if my soul freaks out? Not that I can do that on command..."


"...I feel like there has got to be an explanation that doesn't involve anybody being secretly evil."


"I'm sure there is, but I don't know it! And I'm sorry for theorizing that you might be secretly evil; all evidence of which I am aware suggests you are a perfectly lovely person."


"If I am secretly evil it's not a soul-judgment based on any decisions that seemed that way to me, so we're back to the problem of how-do-you-figure-out-what-Taliar's-soul-thinks-is-evil-that-doesn't-seem-so. And while I'd stop doing things that I think are neutral or necessary but that your soul finds objectionable if it won us the war, if it's somehow necessary to agree with your soul about things that seems more challenging."


"I like to think my soul is fairly reasonable about what things count as evil, which makes this whole line of inquiry that much more bewildering!"


"So this is probably a red herring and the problem is something unrelated. Is it holding you back too much?"


"Well, that depends entirely on your frame of reference. If I completely ignore the fact that I'm madly in love with a brilliant wonderful person, then my growth timeline so far looks exactly as expected, which is to say, exactly how I expected it to look before I realized I'd fallen in love with Maitimo, and I was content with it then. But if it was somehow possible to get being in love with Maitimo to work the same way as being in love with Kelora, that would be the single highest-impact thing anyone could do to affect the growth of my soul, without question. Well, excluding hypotheticals in the vein of 'find someone who is somehow even more amazing and wonderful than Maitimo and who doesn't have this mysterious problem and introduce me to them'."


"Inconveniently I don't know of dozens of Maitimos waiting in the wings. He was unusually passionate about governing efficiently even back in Valinor, and everyone who might have been his equal back then has been dead four hundred years."


"I don't think unusual passion for efficient government is a strictly necessary factor, although it... does seem to be a theme..."


"Pretty I could find you a lot of."


"All Elves are pretty, but so far I've only fallen in love with one of them."


"And inconveniently it's the one your soul fails to parse. Sorry."


"I find it very hard to complain even so."


"What've you been doing other than my boyfriend?"


... He giggles.

"Magical engineering! It's delightful! And making friends with recommended individuals, also delightful!"


"Oh? Who?"


He can totally list them all. And talk about their virtues and aspirations and passions and skills. His new friends are pretty great.


So the war's probably winnable even without Maitimo reforming himself. He resolves to discuss it with Maitimo anyway, commends all of Taliar's new friends, and then gets back to work.


Taliar makes friends and keeps up with existing friends and does magical engineering and only does a moderate amount of daydreaming about how much he loves Maitimo. Mostly whenever Maitimo is mentioned or interacts with him in any way.


And he conveys to Maitimo the conversation.



You want me to let you go, see if that helps with the soul magic?

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