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Taliar in Evil Arda
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Well, who is he to argue. 


He will kiss him instead.


What an excellent idea. Taliar holds his soul in both hands and kisses back.


And after a while or so of that he will carry him back inside, this balcony is not adjacent to his bedroom but it is adjacent to a lovely empty one, and plops with him down on the bed - you're going to have to find somewhere to put that...


He takes off the pendant and puts it down on a small table near the bed. It glows beautifully, filling the room with light. Maitimo looks amazing in it.


You're beautiful, he says, and kisses him again, and starts undressing him.


He is so, so happy and he loves Maitimo so much and this is the best thing that's ever happened to him.


That feeling he doesn't think he's gotten to experience even when Findekáno'll swear himself in love. It is delightful, being the best thing that's ever happened to someone. He is inspired to do a really, really good job at it. 


Though - 

humans are more fragile than Elves, if I need to be unusually gentle you might - might want to remind me, I am very distracted -


Taliar considers this idea in fairness and concludes that there's no way he's going to remember to issue reminders, but on the other hand he can totally fill this room with his healing aura even with his soul sitting on a table several feet away. There, now he will be fine even if they both forget. And he can turn his attention back to Maitimo, who if anything looks even more beautiful in the glow of the healing aura.


That is a pretty excellent solution to the problem. He will kiss him further and divest clothes and osanwë-murmur I want you -


Taliar is absolutely, hopelessly in love and very much in favour of any course of events that involves Maitimo kissing him, Maitimo touching him, Maitimo looking at him like that, Maitimo...


Maitimo will be gentle and patient and adoring and entirely focused on keeping his new acquisition delighted and in love and deliriously happy. This is so lovely. He wants to have this forever. He needed this. He shares the sentiments, if not the reasons. He whispers Taliar's name and drinks up those adoring gazes and does not think any farther ahead than this lovely delirious night.


Taliar is the happiest he's ever been. He loves Maitimo so much. Maitimo is glorious. It is important for Maitimo to know these things. Sharing his whole mind almost feels insufficiently intimate, but he is not remotely coherent enough to make a serious effort to imagine alternatives, not when instead he can just - inhabit this moment as fully as possible, experience the emotions and sensations of it as intensely as possible, until he's almost reminded of the first time he made contact with his soul, the feeling of being filled with light like the sun is living under his skin, it's the only image that comes close to describing what it's like...


Well, this is really deeply validating. He curls up with Taliar and cuddles him and sings a love song, softly, until he falls asleep.


Taliar sleeps soundly and dreams lovely dreams and when he wakes up in the morning he is still snuggling Maitimo. It is perfect. Everything about this night has been utterly perfect.

And there's his soul, glowing softly, not caring about it at all...

It's got to be some sort of weird inter-world compatibility issue. That's the only explanation that makes any sense. Well, he's not going to let it ruin his morning. He snuggles Maitimo some more and basks in the filled-with-sunlight feeling of being so deeply in love.


Then he will very reluctantly be responsible for getting them both out of bed to do things, because basking is nice but they will both regret having wasted too much of the morning in it.


Once they are actually both out of bed, Taliar is willing to recognize that these are the correct priorities. Although he wastes a little more time watching Maitimo get dressed in the light of his soul, because it's so beautiful he can't bring himself to look away.


Well, far be it from him to insist. He can get dressed slowly, that's not all that much time lost of their day. 


And then work!



Taliar is actually pretty good about not letting himself get distracted by thoughts of Maitimo. When he needs to give something or someone his full attention, he can do it. But instead of his idle moments being filled with excited thoughts about magical engineering, today they are filled with sunlight.


He loves Maitimo so much. If his soul were properly acknowledging this fact, he's pretty sure he would be able to win this war in a matter of weeks. But even if being with Maitimo isn't contributing directly to the war effort, it is making Taliar incredibly happy, and a happy Taliar is a productive Taliar, even accounting for time spent daydreaming about Maitimo's hands and Maitimo's smile. He will make many friends and many magic items.


And they will have three or four delightful weeks and then his Findekáno will return to him. His Findekáno is, as always for long projects like this, sworn to take Maitimo's ends as his own. I don't think you should get that oath removed, he says. We have a guest who can end the war but not if he is aware of things that upset him and run counter to his character and which he is permitting. Do you think you-without-absent-motives would even want the oath removed, given that -


Depends how well he could tell I was lying, but this is probably safer. What -


And he explains.


And he returns home and is formally introduced to his King and then finds Taliar to say hello.


"Hi!" says Taliar. He's pretty much solidly fluent in Quenya now. "I'm told we're going to get along really well!"

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