Cam in Materia
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Charp translates these things into Harthanic.


"This is a silly sentence in Harthanic? These are silly sentence in Harthanic? Kib is not my Bella, the Valar are evil?"


Rúmil sighs but beams at him. I hope you weren't expecting him to participate in the conversation.


Charp accepts the first sentence and corrects his grammar on the second and translates the latter sentiments.

I wasn't actually sure how to predict the comparative interestingness of a new language and anything else about the world or alts of Boots or whatever.


Well, he'd met T'Mir, alts of Boots is a concept he's familiar with at least in the abstract. We got the short version of all the worlds earlier - well, with some exclusions - and I am hoping he doesn't develop a desire to spend his time dimension-hopping...


Some of 'em I wouldn't go to without a Charp along as a bodyguard, some of 'em even that wouldn't necessarily do if I were going to be there long.


Ones we haven't heard about yet, or are some of the mentioned ones less stable than they sound?


Evil Arda, parts of Edda, world between here and Luster's full of monsters and also you can't sleep or something eats your soul, and frankly I'm a little nervous around vampires even if they're all very well behaved.


Is evil Arda dangerous for its own populace or is the risk that extradimensional visitors would be tempting targets?


It's not as safe as a normal peacetime Arda for its residents but it's not on that level a screaming emergency. I might be a tempting target, I might be accidentally provocative to somebody, either way I'd like something that can catch arrows watching my back in case I'm slow to teleport. My facade of recovery kind of disintegrates if I'm injured.


There's a thing in the file system for people who've been in and out.


No one's taught us the file system yet.


Cam'll come install a mailbox on your planet and make sure you've all got computers soonish.


Lovely, thank you.


No problem. Computers are pretty cool.


I wonder if I'll have to do all my crystal ball to computer interface work over from scratch if it's a new kind of computer.


Seems likely, though computer-to-computer interfacing should be easier since they're at least all the same sort of thing...


It's actually really obnoxious. We're all standardized on a kind common in Hell. It can integrate with Space Arda stuff. I'm sort of respecializing in computers these days but I might be a bit at a loss trying to decipher what you've got; bring home a Space Elf for that, I guess.


Can do. It has already been recommended to us that we stop in Vanda Nossëo for resources on how to use magic goodies to accelerate building your galactic empire.


Yeah, they'll be good for that.


Loki thought that without some prompting Island was not likely to discuss therapy with Boots, and Boots won't discuss it with him. Island said you could decide.



Kib looks at Boots.


I don't know what sort of previous exposure you'll have had to the concept but in my world therapy's always practiced by subtle artists. Some of it doesn't require the arts but it's useful to be able to supervise changes in affect and follow through on desired alterations to the mind directly rather than expecting everyone to have - Bell powers of self-editing - and things like that. We've been evacuating people from Materia long enough that I can refer to someone else if I won't suit for personal comfort or rapport or entanglement reasons. And I don't take involuntary patients, never have.



How much do you improve on Bell powers of self-editing?

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