Cam in Materia
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"That explains it. Apparently it is possible to make Valar into reasonable people and then maybe they will listen to us telling them not to let him out in the first place. I'm considering naming my Arda after a Tree since we still have them."


He laughs. "Good skill with that. They - should be convincable? Ours seemed to sincerely think he'd reformed, I don't think they were unwilling to consider evidence on the point."


"...I may be unusually biased against them."


The Rúmils meet eyes. "Understandable," he says. "Someone else can always do the persuading."


"I hear there's a specialist available."


"You probably hear more than I do, honestly. The King's been occupied with things other than keeping everyone apprised of the adventures of the multiverse. We know enough to get Shine and Stork their memberships and everything else is rumor and hearsay."


"Couple years," he says, "and some more orderly means of transmitting news across dimensions will be organized. I know that I am leaning terribly on the Elven tendency to treat a few years like the blink of an eye, but eventually everyone will be able to talk with their counterparts regularly."


"And you'll be done with Stork!"


"And I will be done with Stork."


"What will you be done doing to Stork?"


"When we were found Vanda Nossëo offered us membership, and it seemed terribly tempting, they're doing a ridiculously good job with the resources they have. I said I'd arrange for Shine to become a member, but at the time Stork was a collection of independently governed city-states. So I asked Kib if he wanted to be its King - Bells like it if you give them monarchies as presents," he says to Bella's Rúmil as an aside, "and he was worried that 'become absolute ruler of Stork' was the sort of thing the Enemy might gain something from seeing him set to, so I thought I'd just bring the place under centralized control and then hand it to him set up so Aydanci can handle most of the work of strategic import - with our help, if he needs it - and Kib can do non-exploitable things. And then they'll join the consortium."


(Boots laughs at the 'Bells like it if you give them monarchies as presents' description.)


"We can stop by Kib's on the way out, we'd go through Stork anyway."


"Yes please."


"Kib is a delight and we are much indebted to him for setting in motion the events that made this war cleaner than most."


"It's kind of sounding like the earlier we show up the better."


"I've noticed! Not counting Space, but with the standard Ardas that is very much the trend."


"Yeah, not counting Space." Poor Cam.


"Were you hoping for a tour, here, or is this mostly just a chance for Fëanáro to meet his children - if he wants to meet a psychologically healthy me he needs to go to Space -"


"It was just to meet the maximal set of alternate universe offspring, pretty much. I would probably like a tour eventually but I'm not in a rush on that."


"I think it will be meaningful to Lári that this is considered the complete set. One of the Charps can probably give you a tour -" he waves one over - "and it's always our pleasure to answer questions."



"Hello, Charp."

"Hello," says the Charp.

"Can you give me a tour?"



And she follows the Charp around.



She is in fact a therapist.


Yeah, I didn't think Fëanáro was wrong.


I'm guessing she won't broach the subject unless Kib or one of your alts tells her to, or you ask, for at least a year or two after that outburst.

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